Board of Directors Monthly Conference Call

Monday, January 30, 2017

President Harriett Wynn opened the meeting at 8:30 pm

Curtis Byrd took roll call, please see attached

A motion was made by Orlando Avila to approve the minutes with any corrections from November 28, 2016.  Seconded by Denise Sasiain.  The motion carried

Announced that Travis Davis was appointed as the Southern RVP.  If no objection it is approved by acclamation.

Denise Sasiain – Unfortunately, Maria was unavailable to meet last Friday so we are looking for another time to meet.

Chris Johnson welcomed Travis to the Board.  Melissa Schol moved to Ocala a few months ago, she is our Suncoast RVP & Social Media person.  She has submitted her resignation so we are now looking for someone for the Suncoast RVP position.  Chris has had some conversation with a friend of Melissa but we are looking for anyone else that might have a lead contact Chris.

Rally in Tally – a good number of meetings.  Kara connected with her CBC, Anne was with her CBC as well.  Orlando and Chris were both there.  Chris had some good meetings with FCC and DCF.  At the breakfast there were several new legislators and the networking was good.  Giving them first hand information on foster care.  Chris met with his new Senator who is now on the Children & Families Committee and made a good connection.  They talked about the Florida Parks Bill that we are partnering with GAL to have passed.

Orlando Avila– appointment with Aaron Bean but he was not in Tallahassee so Orlando met with his Legislative Aide and was able to spend quality time talking with her.  Relationships are important.  My local representative I met with is new to Tallahassee, he is an attorney and he is very receptive to meeting and learning more about our concerns, especially the Parks Bill.  We also talked about funding for other concerns foster parents have including childcare.   Met with a friend that is the Executive Director of an organization that assists with other associations as a contact for the future insight.

Chris announced everyone’s RVP report is due tomorrow.

Coleen volunteered to handle the Facebook page, Harriett asked to please add her on as an Administrator Curtis.

Coleen La Costa – FAST has been getting a lot of calls, some are more conversation and discussing licensing concerns.  Still a lot of relative calls.  Allegation related calls seem to be more complicated that are coming in to the FAST line.  Coleen is looking for additional input from the Investigations workgroup.

Thomas Croom reported that Chris and Orlando did a great job at Rally in Tally.  Thomas will have more updates on this legislative session at our meeting in Crestivew

Crestview Mini Conference – Kara announced if you are bringing kids get that to Curtis ASAP.  Coleen is presenting on FAST in the morning, David Brown is presenting on QPI with Gerald Waters and Connie Werner in the afternoon,  A local restaurant is providing lunch.  Shawn Salameda from our CBC is doing the opening and the DCF Regional Managing Director will be there all day.

Foster Parent Week – the letter FSFAPA is sending to the families in the State. Was written by Chris with input from the Executive Board.  This letter will go to the printer this week.

FSFAPA Conference theme:  Our Journey Your Dreams


Harriett announced she will set up a conference call with the different committees on a regular basis.

The CBC letter for Membership will be out the middle of February per Laurallyn.

Harriet asked Travis how are you doing so far in your new position.  He reported that  he and Trudy met with the CEO of Our Kids and he is making the rounds of the local FAPA’s.  Trudy is going to help him with the Monthly report.

Gay Frizzell reported the QPI statewide meeting happened in Bartow on January 17th and there were a lot of parents in attendance.   DCF continues to work on Investigations policy and gave us an update.  On the QPI website checkout Myth Busters for answers to frequently asked questions.  Lora Diaz is continuing to add topics for webcasts.  David Brown will be at the Mini Conference in Crestview to train as well as represent m QPI at the Board of Directors meeting.

Foster Parent Week hopefully we can be more organized for it next year – Trudy reported.

Melanie said we do have a contract with Super Sitters.  Coleen asked if we are negotiating a lower price.  Melanie reported they will do a walk thru next week for better registration ideas.  Coleen said Super Sitters is more expensive than others in the area.  Melanie said Super Sitters last year was the cheapest company in Orlando..  So this year decided to go with Super Sitters again as they are prepared for our population etc.  We have a really good partnership, and at the end of the day we know our kids are safe.

Open Discussion:

June conference letters for the CBC allocation of registrations will go out the second or third week in February.  Laurallyn will get the CBC membership letters out in February also.

Amanda and Melanie want to go to Tallahassee in March for Mike Williams’s conference.  He is also coming to Circuit 5 Melanie announced.

Kara reported they have come across new information regarding documentation that the adoption agencies are doing in FSFN when they make contact with adoptive families.  The adopting families were not aware of this documentation and in one case inaccurate information was detailed in FSFN.   An abuse call was called in and the CPI had information on all the children’s medical records in the family.  It is forever after under post adoption support services they found out.  Kara said she and Gerald Waters are talking with FFN regarding this concern.

A motion was made to adjourn made by Anne Whiteside and seconded by Thomas Croom motion carried the meeting adjourned at 9:27 pm

Respectfully submitted

Curtis Byrd, FSFAPA Secretary


Attendance Record
Florida State Foster/Adoptive Parent Association Inc. [42]
NAME Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 # %
1 Trudy Petkovich x                       1 8.3%
2 Harriett Wynn x                       1 8.3%
3 Denise Sasiain x                       1 8.3%
4 Lillie Blackshear x                       1 8.3%
5 Lynda Thompson x                       1 8.3%
6 Curtis Byrd x                       1 8.3%
7 Coleen LaCosta x                       1 8.3%
8 Dorothy Alvarez x                       1 8.3%
9 Chris Johnson x                       1 8.3%
10 Orlando Avlva x                       1 8.3%
11 Ann Whiteside x                       1 8.3%
12 Travis Davis x                       1 8.3%
13 Melanie Stimell x                       1 8.3%
14 Thomas Croom x                       1 8.3%
17 Harry Dubia                         0 0.0%
21 Kara Elliott x                       1 8.3%
22 Amanda Williams x                       1 8.3%
23 Laurallyn Segur (Advisor)                         1 8.3%
24 Gay Frizzell (Advisor) x                       1 8.3%
25 Xiomara Turner (Advisor)                         1 8.3%
                          0 0.0%