Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.
Quarterly Membership Meeting, Orlando, Fl.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
The Quarterly Membership Meeting of FSFAPA was called to order at 7:30 am by Harriett Wynn, President.
A motion was made by Orlando Avila to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Thomas Croom. Motion passed
Harriett introduced Kylie McCracken and welcomed her to the board.
Harriett announced that the Chair person for the combined NFPA / FSFAPA 2018 Conference will be Kara Elliott- Jordan.
Harriett gave the floor to Denise Sasiain, Treasurer, who presented the 2016 Year End Report to membership. After discussion a Motion was made to accept the Report. It was properly seconded and a vote was called. Motion passed
Harriett then yielded the floor to Thomas Croom, Nomination Chair.
Thomas then opened the floor for nominations and announced the candidates previously submitted. Exec. Vice President: Kara Elliott-Jordan, and Christopher Johnson; Vice President: Kara Elliott-Jordan, and Orlando Avila. Secretary: Curtis Byrd, and Christina Nunez. Thomas asked for nominations from the floor. If no further nominations, are brought forward nominations will be closed at the end of the Quarterly Membership Meeting. When nominees were ask if they accepted the nomination, Kara Elliott-Jordan declined the nominations. With this decision Exec. Vice President and Vice President will run unopposed.
Harriett then introduced Trudy Petkovich, Executive Director
Trudy announced the upcoming October Mini Conference & Quarterly Meeting
Quarterly Meeting and Mini Conference
Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017
Location: Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place
200 Rialto Place
Melbourne, Fl. 32901
Rate: $124 a night
Time: 10 am – 3 pm
Topic: QPI
FAST – Foster Allegation Support Team
FSFAPA Quarterly Meeting & Election
Sponsored by FSFAPA and Alachua County Foster and Adoptive Parent Association
Harriett introduced Thomas Croom and enlightened everyone on the past legislative session and the plans for the 2018 Legislative session.
Harriett and Gay Frizzell then presented the 2016 Awards.
Harriett introduced Lora Diaz who update dated everyone what was happening with Just in Time Training and thanked everyone for the support.
Harriett thanked everyone for coming.
Motion to adjourn made by Thomas Croom and seconded by Stephen Rollo, the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am.
Respectfully submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd