Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.
Meeting date: 4/14/2012
Call to order: A Quarterly meeting of the FSFAPA, was held in Jacksonville, Florida on April 14, 2012. The meeting convened at 1:30 pm EST, President Trudy Petkovich presiding, and Curtis Byrd, Secretary.
Approval of minutes: Motion was made by Lillie, and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 2012 meeting. Motion carried.
Trudy welcomes everyone and brings meeting to order. She then introduces herself. Trudy thanks everyone for coming. Trudy turns the meeting over to Harriett Wynn who then introduces Deidre Lane and Yvonne Mitchell who will discuss “Different Together”. This was a very informative educational experience we all learned how different we all are and just how alike we all are.
Postponed the vote on Bylaws due to not having a quorum.
Trudy Adjourns Quarterly meeting
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm EST.
Curtis Byrd
Date of approval
Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.