Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.
Meeting date: _4/28/2014
Call to order: The Board of Directors of FSFAPA monthly conference call was held on April 28, 2014. The meeting convened at _8:30_pm EST, President Trudy Petkovich presiding, and Curtis Byrd, Secretary.
Members in attendance: Trudy Petkovich, Curtis Byrd, Harriett Wynn, Lillie Blackshear, Trish Allen, Keith Best, Dorothy Alvarez, Maria Bond, Coleen LaCosta, Chris Johnson, Orlando Avila, Wendy Vernon, Charles Parker, Trudie Poole, Harry Dubia, Lynda Thompson, Kara Jordon, and Kim Hernandez.
Members absent:Victoria Herrin (excused)
Advisors in Attendance: Gay Frizzell
Approval of Minutes: Harriett Wynn made a motion to approve the minutes of_3/14-15, 2014_ with corrections, seconded Motion Carried
Treasurer’s Report – This report was postponed till later in the call.
Duffels for Kids Walk – LaShaun Wallace (8:45 pm)
Walk on May 17, 2014 LaShaun wants to know who will be in attendance so that she will be able to assign duties. Trudy told her that due to the low attendance it was decide only the members in the local area will be attending from the Board. There are only 10 registered walkers. Wants everyone to promote the walk we need walkers. The young Marines are volunteering again this year. There will a DJ and a fitness routine. Only one exhibitors table, all exhibitors from last year has been contacted. Sponsors from last year have been contacted and very few have responded. Maria volunteered to take the list of sponsors and exhibitors and with the help of the Board make additional calls. LaShaun will provide that list this week. Website sponsorships and virtual walkers are also down.
Update on Policy & Procedure Manual – Lynda Thompson
Draft due to board by 4/30/14 No one had any other input. Lynda will have this out to the board ASAP.
Gerald Waters – Orlando Avila – Sent the FSFAPA Board response UPS and it was returned. Orlando is now sending it USPS. Coleen suggests sending it email receipt requested. Orlando will follow thru on 4/29/14.
NFPA/FSFAPA CONFERENCE– Trudie Poole, Lynda Thompson
Nothing is to be paid until NFPA comes forward with better communication. Trudy Petkovich asks that everyone on the board try to collect items for the bags, and to please let Trudie Poole know what they have collected.
Attendee & Child Care registration – Trudy Petkovich
May 9, 2014 is the last day anyone can reserve a room at the conference rate. Trudy Petkovich is asking for items for silent auctions. As of this date there are 203 adults registered from Florida. Child care like always is filling up very quickly.
Awards – Curtis Byrd
There have been several complaints that the links were not working. Curtis Byrd will check the constant contact links.
Nominations committee – President, Treasurer, North Central RVP, and Northwest RVP. Curtis Byrd/Orlando Avila will talk tomorrow and start promoting.
RVP Reports – There was no issues reported at this time.
Program Director Reports
Wendy Vernon gave a report on Tallahassee; the band was wonderful. It was discussed that perhaps the band should do more songs. Her only complaint was communication. All the responses from board members were positive.
Duffels Walk May 17, 2014 (Miami)
Daniel Memorial Foster & Adoption Conference (Daytona) May 28 – 31, 2014
NFPA/FSFAPA June 5-8, 2014 (Orlando)
NACAC July 23-26, 2014
Harriett Wynn made motion to adjourn it was seconded meeting ended 9:55 pm EST
Curtis Byrd
Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.