Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.

Meeting date: _5/26/2014_______

Call to order: The Board of Directors of FSFAPA monthly conference call was held on May 26, 2014. The meeting convened at _8:30_pm EST, President Trudy Petkovich presiding, and Curtis Byrd, Secretary.

Members in attendance: Trudy Petkovich, Curtis Byrd, Harriett Wynn, Lillie Blackshear, Trish Allen, Dorothy Alvarez, Maria Bond, Coleen LaCosta, Chris Johnson, Orlando Avila, Wendy Vernon, Charles Parker, Trudie Poole, Harry Dubia, Lynda Thompson, Kara Jordon, and Victoria Herrin.

Members absent:Kim Hernandez, Keith Best

Advisors in Attendance: David Brown

Approval of Minutes: Lillie Blackshear made a motion to approve the minutes of April 28, 2014_ with corrections, seconded Motion Carried

Trudy Petkovich opened the meeting by letting everyone know the primary purpose of this call is to discuss the conference. Trudy, then ask everyone to email her their arrival times.

Trudy Petkovich then to begin o set out the tasks for each Board member these will be emailed out to everyone.

Child Care has been full since May 19, 2014. People are still calling and requesting slots. Trudy Petkovich is working hard to accommodate them.

FSFAPA Table – sign with prices: Lynda Thompson volunteered to produce this signage.

Membership – table: Harry Dubia will handle this table and has requested board members to volunteer to take a slot. Orlando Avila volunteered himself and his wife Janel to work.

Chain of Love Lori Dubia and Lori Decker the committee members for chain of love will be in charge of putting up and taking down the Chain of Love. Harry Dubia asks on what day the chain will arrive in Orlando. Maria Bond stated it will arrive on Wednesday.

Awards on Saturday and Sunday Presentations Trudy Petkovich is working with Sue Dondiego on this. Trudy says it will happen.

Hospitality room will be manned by the CBC of Central Florida

Greeters and Directional support: This is a very important position Kristy Putman of DCF is setting up a meeting with foster parents who parent teens Greeters and Directional support will be vital to this

Tear Down, Pack up and inventory: Please keep a running inventory of items on your tables; we are still trying to get an complete inventory.

Discuss agenda for Board meeting: Meeting will be on Thursday evening at 8:00 pm Agenda items so far is on Duffels. Legislative issues for the upcoming year

Discuss agenda for the Membership Meeting: All board members will give a oral report at this meeting so please be prepared.

Maria will make a basket for NFPA

Exhibitors: Virtual School is the only new one.

David is looking forward to getting FCC more involved in the upcoming year. 


NFPA/FSFAPA June 5-8, 2014 (Orlando)

NACAC July 23-26, 2014


Harriett Wynn made motion to adjourn it was seconded meeting ended 9:11 pm EST


__Curtis Byrd___________________                               _____________

Secretary                                                                                             Date of approval

Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association Inc.