FSFAPA Board Meeting
Oct. 4, 2014 – 7 p.m.
LaQuinta Inn – Ft. Myers
Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker.
Meeting at 7 p.m after the Quarterly Mini Conference with Trudy Petkovich (President), Harriett Wynn (Exec VP, President-elect), Maria Bond (Treasurer) and Charles Parker (Secretary), Chris Johnson (RVP), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager). Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL) Harry Dubia (Membership), David Brown (CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor) and Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor). Not in attendance:Director of Programs and Nominations Chair Orlando Avila was excused for family reasons.
The minutes for the previous Board Meeting submitted for approval. No further edits were suggested. Trish moved they be accepted, Harriet Seconded, no opposition.
Harriet informed the board that RVP Kimberly Hernandez had submitted her resignation to the executive committee (citing personal/family issues). The resignation was accepted; Harriet asked for everyone to think about possible replacements.
NEW POSITIONS: Trudy introduced Amanda Williams as the prospective new IL Committee chair. Victoria had previously held this position but has opted to concentrate on the Nex Gen Band. The band has also been elevated to a “program” of the board with Victoria as the manager (Reporting regularly to Director of Programs Orlando Avila.) Charlie moved that the board approve these changes, Chris seconded the motion, no opposition.
NEX GEN TEENS: Amanda briefed the board on the Nex Gen program at the hotel during the conference (earlier in the day.)
- 39 teens in attendance
- Several group homes were invited to participate, this probably won’t be repeated. (There is a history of issues when involving this population.)
- There was an altercation and some teens were asked to leave (group home teens involved).
- Goal is to make Nex Gen into more of a leadership conference with certificates at end for achievement
TREASURER REPORT: Maria reported that the association was operating at a small loss for the year ($5,061.78) but that there were still some outstanding invoices. And income from Tshirts and Duffles not completely reconciled; however Summit accounting is closed. She declared the association “essentially even.” The Association is still financially stable due to the $127,956.42 in the operating account.
Maria also indicated that she hopes to have time to explore grant opportunities and expanded sponsorships for the Annual Conferences moving forward. Motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report ny Dorothy and seconded by Coleen (no opposition.)
MINI CONFERENCE: A resounding success with approximately 160 in attendance at the conference and approaching 400 participating (when childcare and Nex Gen Teens included.)
- There was some criticism of “advanced tracks”
- Community Break outs experiences varied, with many in challenging spaces (size mismatches)
- Preference is away from a FP meeting during sessions, but something to promote association
- Discussion included developing a presentation to be made by the association on benefits of strong FP associations to social workers/child welfare
- Retreat was a very positive experience, look to do similar more frequently.
LICENSE PLATES: Coleen reported that the state currently has a moratorium, but it is not being enforced. Costs and process for plates is now more simplified (only requiring a legislative sponsor who can also get fees waived.) Once in place, you have 2 years to sell 1,000 plates. The board moved to continue exploration under Coleen’s leadership (Gay and Amanda to serve on the committee).
WINTER QUARTERLY MEETING: Feb 14 in Fernandina Beach. Hotel is chosen (info on website) the CBC is very excited to have this in their area and will also be combining it with one of their meetings. Because it is on Valentines day the board may consider not having their meeting that evening to allow time with spouses.
DUFFELS: Keith reported that there were 8 boxes left after the conference, with a large number distributed. There were some challenges with distribution and future events will require more explicit explanation of the rules.
The board asked Keith to explore Polk County as a venue for the next walk fundraiser (as well as Brevard.) Walk is traditionally in May, but that, too, may be examined. Because of timeliness, the board expects action quickly.
DCF/CARRIE – Courtney Smith DCF Adoptions coordinator has asked her to inform the board of an adoption questionnaire that is being sent to adoptive families. One per family, focus is on ways to improve post adoption services and establish needs.
Carrie also reported that there is a test case of the new license revocation procedures for “Quality issues.”
CBC/LEGISLATIVE – DAVID – Going to explore
- transition planning requirements as a possible legislative position
- protected foster parent records
- Gay mentioned that Youth Shine has a proposed bill that they would like us to consider backing
David updated the board on a recent call with FCC where we have asked them to get each CBC to commit to sending at least one family to the Rally in Tally in early February. Would like to see them pick up this commitment before we commit more to backing FCC positions
QPI/GAY – The 2015 QPI conference is in San Diego January 20-22
YOUTH ADVISORS: Trudy has been approached about adding a youth member or two to the board. It was discussed and was well received. One suggestion was to have one representative from FSFAPA youth programs (Nex Gen) and one from an external program (such as Youth Shine. IL Programs or similar). Maria mentioned that there had been youth advisory boards in the past, and that there may be a possibility to replicate many of the positives of that program. Amanda will lead the committee exploring this with Trudy and Carrie assisting on the committee.
NACAC CONFERENCE: FSFAPA has been asked if we would be be interested in bidding to co-host the 2016 NACAC Conference “in Florida.” The board approved moving forward to explore this possibility and report back.
NEX GEN BAND: Victoria mentioned that the Band was going to play at the upcoming National Faith Symposium and will also be part in the YFA Cowboy Up event (Information to be posted on website and Facebook). The band also has several opportunities to play around the holidays. Looking for a keyboardist.
MINI CONFERENCE INCOME: The 50/50 and Tshirts raised more than $320 dollars
Motion was made to adjourn by Charles, seconded by Harry, no opposition.