FSFAPA Board Meeting
May 26, 2015 – 8:30 p.m.
Conference Call
Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker.
Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m.
Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Harry Dubia (Membership),
Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL) LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisors), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director).
Not in attendance: Wendy Vernon (Advocacy – excused), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager – excused), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP-excused)
After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with corrections. Motion made by Melanie, seconded by Lillie; motion passed with no opposition.
EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Harry has 200 bags donated for attendees and is working to fill them; Maria has acquired walkie Talkines; Charlie expects to have an AV needs list together Wednesday to share with the Conference committee and use to for the request for bids (and determine if the association should outright purchase any of the items). The Board meeting at the event will be announced later (Harriet will take a poll by email after this meeting); Trudy reports there are 270 kids in childcare and they are looking at what their total capacity could be; Lillie reports the silent auction donations are advancing slowly, but that is always the case and she is not concerned at this point.
DUFFEL WALK – gave out 38 -40 bags to FPs that showed up for the event, all that were registered for bags were delivered. There were some donated bags locally and those were used to make logistics easier.
RVP – Chris reports that there is some progress in the search for Suncoast RVP and his leading candidate will be at the conference.
BOARD SHIRTS – Cost for the polos should be about $25 per person and can be paid on delivery at the conference. Get with Orlando for sizing and ordering info ASAP.
TEEN RECRUITMENT – Amanda, Chris, Trudy, Harriet and Laurallyn are all on committees for this effort and report that progress is being made. Amanda reports that they are finalizing a resource book and they hope that it will help retention (along with continued FSFAPA involvement and keeping parents engaged). Chris reported that they are following up on the PSAs that will be used this summer.
ADOPTION INTERVENTION – There is a meeting with Allen Abromowitz and several board members in June (before conference). Melanie reported that at one of her meetings there were people that wanted to share their Adoption Intervention stories, and that she would follow up (they have not contacted her.)
ADOPTION CONFERENCE – Trish reported that attendance was not great, but the conference was excellent and topics covered were pertinent (i.e. Teenage Brain Developtment). Good experience, good information, wishes there were more involved than core group.
DCF ADVISOR – Kristi is leaving DCF to relocate with her husband (who has been working out-of-state). Her last day will be end of June, replacement DCF advisor should be named soon. Kristi also mentioned that there is a wider recruitment retention issue that has DCF exploring “best practices” among the CBCs and discussions of ways to use FP mentors. Kristi also participated in a National Foster Care Board discussion; shared Florida’s moves on Normalcy and Prudent Parent standards and reported that Florida is still leading positive change on many fronts.
QPI ADVISOR UPDATE – Gay reinforced the information about the Teen Recruitment project, also shared that Amanda and daughter are headed to the White House later this week to represent Florida at a Children’s Bureau event on Developmentally Appropriate Foster Care.
CBC ADVISOR UPDATE – Laurallyn reported that FP retention issues are popping up across the state, at a time when kids in care is rising. Retention needs to be an additional focus (with recruitment)
MEMBERSHIP – Harry reported that after discussing with Trudy the method of counting members, it was determined the consistent manner would be to count adult members individually rather than family memberships as a single unit. That puts the numbers at 102 paid members.
TREASURER REPORT – FSFAPA has more than $109,000 in the bank, with coming adjustments for the conference. We are ahead of projections at this point.
FAST – Rose took over May 11 and has handled 10 calls, is concerned that the local understanding of the program may need to be a focus at the conference. She will also be doing a FAST Training at the Summit in September.
EXECUTIV DIRECTOR REPORT – Trudy went to a state advisory board for adoptions and reports that there are many changes coming in adoptions in Florida. Says there will be some piece put into the adoptions process specifically about post adoption services. Most of her other work has been on the conference or the Band (which is in Boynton Beach this weekend.)
At 9:34 Chris made the motion to adjourn, Amanda seconded and none opposed.