Membership Meeting Minutes

Mulberry, Fl.

October 15, 2016

Type of Meeting: Quarterly Membership Meeting

Meeting Called to Order by Harriett Wynn, President

A motion to approve the minutes from 9/08/2016 with changes if needed was made by Charles Parker.  Seconded by Dorothy Alvarez, with no further discussion a vote was called.  Motion Carried

The attendees were given a detailed layout of the new RVP’s organizational chart.

Chris Purche – discussed fire safety, explained the difference between types of extinguishers and the fires they extinguish. Monthly inspection is important. Smoke detectors over 10 years old should be replaced.

Sabrina Gonzales- talked about teens aging out of the system and the effect of life in foster care is affecting young adults.

At 11:30am all remaining ballots from members at the meeting were collected.  Curtis asked for two volunteers, Linda Gauntt and Ennis Clements volunteered.   Ballots were opened and sorted and counted by Linda and Ennis.  Curtis and Trudy separately tallied the counts three times to be sure all the numbers agreed.  The election results were announced to the general membership.

President Harriett Wynn and Treasurer Denise Sasiain.  The other nominees were thanked for participating in the election process.

Trish Allen – discussed Normalcy and how it impacts our children.

Jonathan – explained the partnership between All Pro Dads and DCF to recruit new foster parents and bring about awareness around the state.

A motion was made by Dorothy Alvarez to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded.     With no discussion a vote was called for. Motion Carried  



Respectfully Submitted by Curtis Byrd Secretary