Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association
Board Meeting Agenda
April 24, 2017
Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Harriett Wynn
Call to order – Harriett Wynn
Roll Call – Roll was taken excused where Coleen, Dorothy, Amanda, unexcused – Melanie – See Attached
- Approval of Minutes from: 2/11/2017, there are no minutes for March.
Lillie made a motion to accept the minutes with changes if needed. Lynda Seconded it. No further discussion a vote was called. Motion Carried
- Treasurer Reports – Denise Sasiain
We have $129,529.00 in bank, still no financial report Denise is still having problem understanding Maria chart of accounts. Denise has ordered a course on QuickBooks for Non Profits made easy that should greatly help her understand the workings of QuickBooks. Hopes that Maria can give her a little more time to go over the chart of accounts and how things are recorded. Should have something concrete by next Month.
III. Reports from Exec. Vice President and Vice President
- Update on vacant positions
Working on Suncoast position Kylie is filling out the board application.
- Announcement about Harry
Harry was ask to step down, due to inability to perform duties of the position.
Harriett ask Orlando if he had anything to report and he has nothing.
- Update on Conference Committees
- Conference Registration – Trudy
- Letter from Harriett, Secretary and other Keynotes by May 5th, along with pictures
Harriett announced that we wou8ld
- Child Care – Melanie – Not on Call 34 tweens, 48 NexGen, 223 children
- Chain of Love – Vacant
- Conference Bags – Board of Directors
Harriett announced that we still need items for the bags. And ask that everyone needs to ask for items.
- Exhibitors and sponsors by May 9th – Lynda – 14 exhibitors as of now, Lynda ask how many tables silent auction would need. We have two sponsors as of now.
- Hotel room allocations & menus – Melanie
Nothing on this committee
- Program – Charles is going to give us a price on printing this year. – Curtis
Charles is going to submit a proposal to do the printing of programs.
- Photographer – Trudy may have a volunteer who was a professional photographer to take the photos we want at the conference.
Yes, there is someone who volunteered to do this.
- Registration Table –
189 registrations for adults, No children will be allowed in the workshops.
- Speakers, Audio Visual & monitors Presenters – completed with schedule by April 28- Kara
We have a wonderful team working on this. Some of the speakers are Ryan North, Mike Carroll. Chris we are working on getting an athlete to speak on Sunday, Thomas saw Ernie Sims ask him to speak.
Silent Auction – Lillie
Not sure have many tables she will need usually starts with five and adds as needed
T-shirts & 50/50 –?
- Draft to the printer is May 12th
Would like to have the first draft to Charles
Final to the printer is May 19th
Would like to have the final draft to Charles
- Upcoming Events
- Update on 2018 NFPA/FSFAPA Conference (Trudy)
They are putting together an Save the Date to be placed in the Conference bags
Updates from Advisors
Gay – Awards email were sent out reminders that the awards nominations are due May 1. Laurallyn added that she knows that they have gone out. A reminder will go out Constant Contact.
Laurallyn – ask if the CBC letters were going out, this having a good response to these letters; There are 8 confirmed that they are renewing. She also has created a donation letter that has been sent out.
Xiomara – is working with QPI on a new investigation process and are hoping to pilot this in certain regions.
VII. Open Discussion
Thomas – sent out an update on the rating system has been placed on the House calendar as soon April 25, 2017. There is also a companion bill. Is excited about working with the GAL and QPI.
VIII. Adjournment: With no further business to be brought before this board we will entertain a motion to adjourn. Chris makes a motion to adjourn the time is 9:25 pm. It was seconded by Lillie, a vote was call. Motion Carried
Submitted by
Curtis Byrd