Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association
Board Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2017
Time: 8:30 pm
Type of Meeting: Board of Directors Meeting
Meeting Facilitator: Harriett Wynn
Call to order – Harriett Wynn
Roll Call
Roll was taken all were present except Lynda who was excused by Harriett.
- Approval of Minutes from: 4/24/2017
Melanie made a motion to approve minutes with changes if needed. Was seconded by Denise, with no further discussion a vote was called for. Motion Carried
- Treasurer Reports – Denise Sasiain
Has completed the course on QuickBooks for Non Profits, she now understands how the chart of accounts is laid out and that sub accounts could be created to match the contract. We have $155,291.75 in the bank account. Denise is more than happy to help the local FAPA’s who want to become a 5013c. Much easier to get the 5013c than it use to be.
III. Reports from Exec. Vice President and Vice President
- Update on vacant positions
Chris informed the board that his mother has had a heart attack, Please keep her and the family in your prayers. Chris also reminded everyone to get their reports in on time as the lateness of the reports is causing our DCF contract to be late. Chris also reminded everyone that next month’s Board meeting will be an RVP centered meeting.
Ordering shirts for new board members – Orlando
Orlando announced that he had not ordered Board shirts for the last two years. That all orders were going through Trudy as the Director. Trudy let everyone know she was sending out an email concerning shirt orders. Harriett will talk to Trudy off line.
- Welcome to Kylie McCracken our new Suncoast RVP
Kylie has been appointed to the Suncoast RVP position, Welcome Kylie. Chris also reported that Melanie will be taking over Harry’s region since it was originally part of hers before the redesign.
- Update on nominations – Thomas
No, there is not a nominee for all positions, as of right now there is 2 nominees for Secretary’s position.
- Update on FAST – Coleen
Coleen is working on ways for FAST to work more with retention of foster parents. Coleen is also willing to send out the report that she does monthly to everyone.
VII. Update from Exec. Director – Trudy
Sits on Sunshine Advisory Board, going to have training on Medicaid at our conference sits in on calls for FCC membership and Legislation calls.
VIII. Update on Conference Committees
- Conference Registration – Trudy
302 Adults, 62 tweens, 74 NexGen this does not include the number of kids that Mike is bringing our numbers are looking good for this year.
Update on NEXGEN – Amanda
Working with Mike Williams he is doing his inspire you program. Youth are responding well this year. All is going well; Melanie asked about youths in group homes coming. Amanda suggested she get in contact with Mike.
- Letters from Keynotes was due to Charles on May 5.
Were missing just one letter from the Keynotes; hopefully we will have it by Friday.
- Child Care – Melanie
It has been amazing this year, check in will be so much easier than in the past.
- Conference Bags – Board of Directors
Harriett has asked all board members to try and gather something from their local areas to fill the adult bags.
- Exhibitors and sponsors by May 9th – Lynda
Trudy reporting for Lynda, We have 19 exhibitor tables, 7 silent auctions and then what ever Mike Williams will require. Also the massage lady will be there again.
- Speakers, Audio Visual & monitors Presenters – Chris
Chris reported that he would be getting in touch with Pierre this week to finalize the Audio Visual part of the conference. Curtis reported that we have 15 volunteers so far.
- Silent Auction – Lillie
Has not heard from anyone yet, Lillie ask to remind all the RVP’s to ask for items for the silent auction from the local associations.
- T-shirts & 50/50 –Dorothy
No need to order T- shirts this year. Melanie will attempt to count the shirts in inventory. Orlando suggested that we might want to order larger sizes.
- Upcoming Events
- Update on 2018 NFPA/FSFAPA Conference – Trudy
Nothing new to Report at this time
- Updates from Advisors
Gay – Awards all look good everything has been tripled checked and Harriett will place the order have winners for all awards except the youth.
Adjournment: At 9:09 pm Denise made a motion to adjourn if there is no further business at this time. Coleen seconded, a vote was called Motion Carried
Respectfully Submitted By Curtis Byrd