Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association

General Meeting

August 30, 2017

Type of Meeting: General Membership Meeting

Meeting Facilitator: Chris Johnson

Call to order – Chris Johnson called the meeting to order at 11:41 am

  1. Approval of Minutes from: 6/17/2017

Chris call for a motion to except minutes with adjustments. Orlando said yes he agreed, seconded by Gerald.  Motion carries

  1. Update on upcoming events
  2. October Mini Conference update

Lynda is taking the lead and we should have a save the date flyer soon.

Chris reminded everyon e about the State Park Passes and encouraged everyone to take advantage of them.

  1. Spring Mini Conference update

Trudy reported that the spring mini was shaping up.  Trudy will have save the date soon.

  1. Rally in Tally

The dates for Rally in Tally are Decemberr 4-6, 2017, Trudy is asking for a list of people of is attending?

III.     Election Ballots will go out Sept. 5, 2018, paid members by the conference last June will receive ballots.  There is a list if anyone has a question if they paid or not.

  1. Introduce any DCF staff who comes in.

Chris introduced the attending DCF Staff and thanked them for their support.

  1. NFPA/FSFAPA conference 2018

Trudy and Kara relayed some information on the 2018 conference; The dates are 6-28 thru 7/1. More information will follow as it is available. 

  1. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was proposed and Seconded, a call for votes was taken and meeting closed at 12:30 pm.  Motion Carried

Respectfully Submitted by Curtis Byrd