Hello Everyone,

Below you will find a link to a survey.  We have been ask to forward this to our members.  Please read and if interested please take the survey.

            My name is Ryan Duprey, and I am a doctoral candidate at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN.  I am in the process of completing my dissertation study focusing on adoptive parents, and would like your help in furthering adoption research.  Your participation in this study may benefit future adoptive parents, adoption agencies looking to place children, as well as the mental health providers who support adoptive parents!  The survey is not long, and can be completed in about 15 minutes.
This study focuses on adoptive parents who:
Have adopted from foster care
Are currently married
Have children between the ages of 3 and 15 years old
As an incentive to complete this study, you can choose to be entered into a drawing for one of four $25 VISA gift cards!
If you are interested in participating in this study, please click on the hyperlink below and it will take you to a Survey Monkey® website.  Survey Monkey® is a secure website with many layers of encryption to protect your answers to these questions.  While this study may ask about the make-up of your family, it will NOT ASK ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION, such as your name, address, etc.
Thank you for your participation!
Ryan Duprey, LMFT
Trevecca Nazarene University
Nashville, TN