Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.
Board of Directors Face to Face Meeting
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Respectfully submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd
The monthly meeting was called to order at 1:15 pm by President Harriett Wynn
Secretary Curtis Byrd took Roll: Attendance attached.
May Minutes were not available so they were tabled. Motion was made to table the minutes until our next meeting was made by Maria Bond and Seconded by Lillie Blackshear. Motion Carried.
Open business
Melanie Stimell:
- Melanie goes over everyone assignments, and answers questions.
- Monitors will meet in the Hospitality Room to receive assignments. Curtis asks that all the board members at least monitor one training session.
Christopher and Orlando:
- RVP Training:
- RVP’s should be promoting the FAST Program every opportunity they have.
- Summit there will be an additional training – in depth for all the RVP’s and it will be mandatory – we will hold that meeting on Wednesday, September 7th from 10 – noon. Trudy will make arrangements with Amy for that and the Quarterly Membership to be at lunch on Thursday at the Summit.
- Maria suggested that each time we meet there be in depth trainings for the RVP on specific subjects. Trudy will send her some suggestions, possibly the United Way can help with trainers.
Trudy Petkovich:
Executive Board meeting Tuesday night September 6th at 8 pm
Fall Quarterly meeting will be on October 8th. TLC volunteered they have put together support for funding, child care and everything is in Heartland area. This was approved by the Executive Board to move forward.
Mulberry Christian Academy Church of God
200 Dean St.
Mulberry, 33860
Limited Childcare 0-12 cost $5.00 per child
Conference will start at 9:00am to 4:00pm. Lunch will be served.
The Hotel will be announced later. Lori Decker will be handling registration, Phone 813-892-3016 or email:
- She also reminded everyone that they should wear their Red Shirts.
Curtis Byrd:
- Discussed the upcoming elections: Informed every one of the names that had been sent to him for nominations, President: Harriett Wynn, Chris Johnson Treasurer: Denise Sasiain, and Paul Vernon.
- Curtis informed every one that we printed a letter to be distributed to the Conference goers and post it on the website and send it out through Constant Contact.
Motion to adjourn made by Thomas Croom and seconded by Melanie Stimmell, the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm.