Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Monthly

Quarterly Meeting in Daytona, FL (Face to Face)

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Respectfully submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd

 The monthly meeting was called to order at 1:28 pm by President Harriett Wynn

 Secretary Curtis Byrd took Roll call missing and unexcused was Coleen LaCosta.  All other Board Members and Advisors were there.

 A motion was made by Orlando Avila to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Thomas Croom.  Motion passed

 Open business

 Chris Johnson – reported on the RVP’s all seems to be going well.

 Maria Bond – Stated that thing were still the same; Maria reported that she was close to completing the final financial report and would email them out soon.  Maria has taken up the mantle of getting Exhibitors for the conference.

 Coleen reported on FAST – There was no report on FAST.  Coleen was excused from this meeting due to West Palm Beach were having their Super Saturday.

 Membership – Harry Dubia – Reported that there had been several replies to the membership letter. Harry is taking care of Conference Bags, NEXGEN Bags, and Photography and he is doing the Slideshow. His wife Lori Dubia is taking on the task of table centerpieces and the Chain of Love.

Trudy Petkovich – Passed out all the Good Moral Character forms for everyone to complete. The Policy and Procedures redlines are due back to Trudy by April 1, 2016.  Trudy also purposed to the board that QPI is wanting to piggy back with our June conference.  The board agreed.

She also is preparing the packets for presenter, packets for attendees, names tags, packets for monitors and possibly stamps or stickers for the in service training hours.

Thomas Croom – reported on legislative that both bills passed and are now on the Governors’ desk.  Thomas is handling the Speakers and all the AV equipment.  

The discussions of bylaws were tabled until the Executive Board reviews the restructuring of the RVP’s.

Xiomara Turner -They are still looking at the licensing codes under and hope to have them completed soon. 

Gay Frizzell – reported that the Florida QPI Conference was well attended.  Gay is also taking the task of Awards for this year’s conference, she is confident that she will have them done by May 2016.

Melanie Stimmell – Annual Education Conference report

Melanie has been working on trainers, exhibitors, and child care. We will have the ability to have medical children with a doctor and nurses in place, this year. Melanie’s children will be taking over the Tweens.

Harriett:  Letter for the brochure, Hospitality meets and greets the families if we can have one.

Harriett will take care of the Membership Meeting agenda.

Chris Johnson – keynote speakers, A/V equipment and we are looking at costs.

Presidents meeting Chris will attend to the meeting and the agenda

Nex Gen – Amanda Williams has this all under control, looking at exciting new things.

Orlando Avila brought up to the board that he knows someone that can make stickers.

 Dorothy asks about the wrap for the trailer, saying that it would be a great way to advertise the association.

 Curtis Byrd has done Monitors Dorothy will work with him.

 Melissa Schol – Hospitality room work with the local association.

Melissa stepped up to do the conference program,

Maria and Melanie need to discuss the budget today after the meeting. 

Chris Johnson reached out to Secretary Carroll for the luncheon Saturday, Chris needs to get the forms completed for him to attend.

Lillie Blackshear –Reported that she has, began collecting items for the silent auction; she is also in charge of the 50/50.

Harriett thanked everyone for coming.

Motion to adjourn made by Thomas Croom and seconded by Melanie Stimmell, the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:34 pm.