Mini Conference Port Richey
October 19, 2013
Present: Trudy Petkovich, Harriett Wynn, LaShaun Wallace, Lillie Blackshear, David Brown, Dorothy Alvarez’, Victoria Herrin, Calvin Burton, Lynda Thompson, Kara Elliott-Jordan, Karen Condry, Chris Johnson, Trish Allen, Jonah Dorman, Kim Hernandez, and Trudie Poole.
Excused: Curtis Byrd, Maria Bond, Coleen LaCosta
The Meeting:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the president Trudy Petkovich who asked if anyone needed a certificate for the day and the forms were passed accordingly. Trudy asked visitors to introduce themselves: Cindy Strickland, TLC President in Circuit 10, Lori Dobia, Polk – Highland Vice President, Keith Best, Southwest Region, Mary Burton, adoptive parent and wife of Calvin Burton and Gina Marie Darbouze, adoptive parent.
The Election:
Trudy also announced that the folk who helped with the ballots were William Presswood and Keith Best. She also asked if there were any questions about the elections or ballots and will hold onto the ballots and the tally.
Reports – Regional Vice Presidents:
- Harriett Wynn – having RVP meetings, working good no calls about situations – they are taking care of things.
- Calvin Burton – everything thing is OK – most associations in the south are doing good, Shemele’s association is growing and working with teens in karate, going to plays and other community activities. Broward association is grown and there is a new executive at ChildNet not sure of their name – but there is a meeting on the last Tuesday, October 27, 2013 and I will be attending. It was noted that the new director is someone who use to work for DCFS.
- Karen Condry – everything is good. Will attend One Church One Child Conference and would be happy to have any talking points – will be speaking at the conference on FSFAPA behalf. Trudy asked everyone to get talking points information to Karen and she will be taking information for the exhibit table as well.
- Kara Elliott-Jordan – ELC issues are not unique, things are being resolved and Coleen is helping to make sure things get done appropriately. Getting help from Tallahassee as well. The duffle bags are in.
- Lillie Blackshear – everything is quiet except a lot of training, there are three in November along with QPI. I have ten new members – paid memberships!
- Jonah Dorman – everything is good, Eckerd’s is taking over Hillsborough County, SCC is recovering from budget issues and the foster liaisons were affected by budget cuts and are recovering from that. Coordinated details for FSFAPA Fall Mini Conference.
- Chris Johnson – connected with new association, Kid Central in Circuit 5. Thanked the board for their support in sending he and wife to DC to received their____________award. Enjoyed the opportunity to make new friends. Connected with PA rep? ______________who is also a foster/adoptive parent, good contact.
- Dorothy Alvarez’ – childcare in Port St. Lucie have adjusted to what needs to be done. Palm Beach did the walk, everything went well and Ft. Myers is doing Princess Day soon and doing their walk today (10/19/13). Working on improving communication.
Trudy commented that it sounds like things around the state are going well. Victoria
Took on a huge roll – independent living and was asked to give an update.
- Victoria Herrin – reports working with different CBC’s and that KCI have been wonderful extending invitations to meetings, committees, etc. She found that no one has a roll out plans for IL and no law will be written until there is some type of evidence. It would be great to form committees/ networks to gather information and have help to input names of people interested in Independent Living – very capable on phone contact. My thoughts are on music and “IL” wanting to help kids speak with the guitar and other musical instruments. I have reached out to a group for sponsorship and support in giving music lessons; I’ve sent two letters for support and looking for youth to be part of a band: have a guitarist, female vocalist, need a drummer, flute player, etc. Band members don’t have to be in Ocala can be from other areas and they can be instructed from the Guitar Center in their area for music lessons. Professional musicians will work with the kids’ band and make sure they know three songs before going to Tallahassee – the band will help build excitement for Kids Week. Victoria announced that she drafted a letter to John Travolta, he’s a member of Planet Fitness and he has agreed to travel to Tallahassee to introduce the band. Chris Johnson mentioned that he may have a drummer for the band.
- Kim Hernandez – Trudy announced that Kim will be moving to Regional Vice President for the Southeast Coast, and that Charles Parker will be appointed to take over the Public Relations position. The website will be placed under public relations and Charles will connect with Victoria.
- Lynda Thompson – registration for the 2014 NFPA / FSFAPA Annual Education Conference will be handled through Trudy as there will be scholarships involved. The board was asked to help promote the conference. Will provide information about sponsorships, childcare, Teens, and youth program. If DCFS comes through for sponsorships dollars more support will be available to other areas of need. There is a breakdown of cost in the report, Tweens limited to 150, NEX GEN limited to 50 and child care of youth 0 – 9 limited to 200. Childcare will again be provided by Super Sitters who are changing radio in order to have extra sitters for kids and will assign parent/child attendee to sitter so they can get to know each other. The only problem is that there is no outside activity area.
- Trudie Poole – the activities in kinship care include making contacts and connecting with providers to build a data base to form a state-wide navigator kinship care program of existing services and resources that can be developed and replicated to other communities with opening to include needs specific to different families in different communities. Communicating with Children Network on new Kinship Curriculum that will provide needed education, information and training to kinship, relative caregivers, grandparents and other kin caring for children.
- LaShaun Wallace – gave summary on Duffle Bag Program and next will start soliciting for funding in order to expand and extend the program. LaShaun asked that everyone copy and handout the flyer and application for Duffle Bags. She reports receiving many comments about the need and success of the program, and the next order will probably be in January – a 30 day turn around – within 60 days bags should be distributed. Help is needed with the next Duffle Baby Walk in Miami with reaching out to different associations so that the associations around the state can hold walks on the same day. There is an action plan laid out to support planning the Duffle Walk Event – can call it “Walk Across Florida for Foster Kids” – need everyone to step up and help make the event a success. LaShaun said she’s starting now for fundraising and will be stepping of the board but will continue doing the Duffle Bag Walk and Program.
Trudy advised the group that the board and families went to Tallahassee last year on Thursday of Children’s Week and in prior years on Tuesday for Fostering Florida’s Future. The group had their own day where families’ were able to speak with Legislators and was a part of Governor signing the Normalcy Bill. She has been contacted by CBCS as to who will or will not support the next trip. FCC, Florida Coalition for Children will support the next trip. We already have suggestions as to whether we’ll go Monday, practice on Tuesday, meet Tuesday afternoon, stay the night and meet with Legislators on Wednesday? Since Children’s week event is on Tuesday, we could meet Tuesday evening with the band and with Legislators on Wednesday. There will be box lunches provided for participants as well as a town hall meeting for Teens on Tuesday.
We can do Tuesday activity for kids, Wednesday meet with Legislators “Awareness Day” and it will still be called “foster Adoption Kinship Day”.
Discussion: would it be better to have our own day or participate with other programs where there will be thousands of children and activities. FSFAPA participants can make a loud noise with the band on Wednesday – the idea or focus is on taking issues to Legislators:
- Host a luncheon invite Legislators with the band being introduced by John Travolta
- CBC will pay for Tuesday – board don’t have the power to change or cover payment for a Wednesday trip
- We’re already getting questions from CBC as to our going on Children’s Day / Week – last year they paid for two (2) nights.
- Making an impact will take a lot of public relations press
- We can take advantage of promoting the specific needs of FSFAPA kids
- In past year’s we’ve given the Legislators something, dolls, plants, etc.
- Will work with David Brown, Calvin Burton and Fostering Florida’s future – look at ways to get finding for t-shirts
- David said his CBC paid for T-shirts for their families
- Per David FSFAPA will have shirts that will include messages and logos of CBC’s – CBC’s will provide resource
- Gay Frizzell – Gay confirmed some of the relevant high points by sharing information presented at the earlier quarterly meeting – the November 1, 2013 training in Palm Beach County will be webcast and focused on adolescent. Carol met with Alicia Kramer to prepare for fostering Florida youth and the meeting is tentatively reset for November 19, 2013. Jacob will kick it off for continual collaboration between CBC’s and FSFAPA. The day of government had a great impact on diligent recruitment grants and these organizations will band together to apply for the grant: Kid Central, Big Bend, Our Kids and Heartland. Charles Shirer (sp), now deputy director for the hot line is moving to another position to help with investigations – will connect her/him with Coleen. The word is that Jacobo, the interim Secretary of State is staying in the position because she has made major appointments and moving folk around.
- David Brown – David said that early learning is huge and that SCC will be meeting this week with the Early Learning Coalition to learn what this means to everyone around the state. He has a Saturday meeting with his own early learning team.
- Jonah Dorman – Jonah talked about the success of the Phonebook Program launched in his area and that it provides easy access to staff, supervisors, and resources. The same type of connection and service is available for expansion to other community at no cost. He also talked about how great the CBC and foster associations were in coordination of the fall mini conference, providing child care, as well as refreshments and food for children and adult participants.
- Trish Allen – Trish said that she is getting her feet wet and have made contacts with the Adoption Specialist of every CBC’s within the state to double check accuracy of contact information. She asked for names from each Circuit of individuals who can serve on the Adoption Committee, as well as any pertinent issues that needs addressing and or an audience before legislators. Trish asked for NACAC contact, that contact is Trudie Poole for Florida as well as other NACAC staff for information and references, etc.
- Trudy Petkovich – reported that Curtis is still recuperating and needs help with minutes and asked for those interested in sharing the responsibility to contact her directly. There are also four interested in the Program Director’s position; Charles Parker is now heading Public Relations and Communications. A welcome was extended to all visitors alogn with an open invitation to attend future board meetings.
After discussion, and no further questions the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm and the President wished everyone a safe trip home and great holidays. The meeting will be in February.
Acting, Recording Secretary
Trudie Poole