Volusia Foster/Adoptive Parent Association
Website: VolusiaFAPA.com VFAPA Officers Jamie Nestrick, President President@VolusiaFAPA.com Tammy Auborn, Vice-President VicePresident@VolusiaFAPA.com Jessica Lewis, Secretary Secretary@VolusiaFAPA.com Alison Coslow, Treasurer Treasurer@VolusiaFAPA.com
Guardian Ad Litem – Circuit 7
Shirley Holland, Circuit Director Seventh Judicial Circuit 250 N. Beach Street, Suite 140 Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Flagler, Putnam, St. Johns, Volusia 386-239-7803 Website: www.GAL7.org
Children’s Legal Services – Circuit 7 (DCF)
Andrea Kerr Managing Attorney 210 North Palmetto Avenue, Suite 412 Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Office: (386) 238-4766 E-mail: andrea.kerr@myflfamilies.com
Community Partnership for Children, Inc.
Community Based Care Lead Agency for: Flagler, Putnam and Volusia counties. (One of 2 CBCs serving Judicial Circuit 7.) Contact: Karin Flositz, CEO, Karin.Flositz@cbcvf.org, 135 Executive Circle, 2nd Floor, Daytona Beach, FL 32114, (386) 238-4900 http://www.communitypartnershipforchildren.org
St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners, Family Integrity Program
Community Based Care Lead Agency for St. Johns County. (One of 2 CBCs serving Judicial Circuit 7.) Contact: Shawna Novak, CEO, snovak@sjcfl.us, 200 San Sebastian View, Suite 2300 St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-209-6080 http://www.co.st-johns.fl.us/FIP/index.aspx#.U41abxaTRm0
Greater St. Johns County Foster/Adoptive Parents Association
Kim Mayo, President – Contact Kim Olivia Collings, Vice President Stephanie McLeod, Treasurer Lauren King, Social Media and Fundraising http://gsjcfap.webs.com Meets third Thursdays from 7-9 p.m.