The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) is a partner in CHAMPS (children need amazing parents). CHAMPS is collecting stories for National Foster Parent Appreciation Day and we’re reaching out to ask for your help spreading the word. Please see below for more information and share with foster parents and people in or formerly in care.  Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for your help with this project!  

CHAMPS (children need amazing parents) is celebrating National Foster Parent Appreciation Day (May 31) by sharing stories from foster parents and people who have been in foster care.

Selected stories will be shared on social media, on the CHAMPS website, and with policymakers. NACAC is a partner in CHAMPS, seeking to ensure foster parents’ voices are heard. Stories can be written (a short paragraph with a photo) or a short video (30-60 seconds, can be made with a phone). 

Please submit by April 30. What kind of stories?

Here are some ideas to get you started. If you’re a foster parent:

·  What’s one of the best things about being a foster parent?

·  Describe how you have made a difference in a child’s life.

·  Have you recommended foster parenting to others?  If so, what did you say was a reason to do it?  

If you are or were in foster care:

·  What’s one example of something a foster parent did that helped you heal from prior trauma or hardship?

·  What’s an example of an important lesson or value you got from a foster parent?

·  What is something special about a foster parent you know? Would you like to thank a particular foster parent for something she or he did?

·  Being in foster care has a lot of challenges.  What is one thing a foster parent can do to help make it less difficult for young people in care?  

How to submit a storyPlease submit using this Google form: 

What is CHAMPS? CHAMPS is a national campaign to ensure bright futures for kids in foster care by promoting the highest quality parenting. CHAMPS builds on research that shows loving, supportive families – whether birth, kin, foster or adoptive – are critical to the healthy development of all children. Leveraging this research, CHAMPS aims to spur policy reforms in 20 to 25 states over five years to ensure that foster parents are equipped with the training and support they need to be the best they can. 

CHAMPS also aims to help improve the public’s understanding of foster parenting and create a more positive perception of foster parents. More information is available at: