WHEREAS, foster families provide a unique opportunity to impact children’s lives by providing care for children until they can be reunified with their families, or find a forever family; and
WHEREAS, children in foster care need and deserve a loving, supportive, nurturing, and quality
foster family; and
WHEREAS, approximately 5,272 foster families are currently licensed throughout the State of Florida; and
WHEREAS, the Governor’s Office of Adoption and Child Protection, Florida Department of Children and Families, community-based care lead agencies, Florida Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, state and local agencies, and communities join together to raise awareness of the need for quality foster families in Florida; and
WHEREAS, approximately 7,184 children in Florida live with foster families; and
WHEREAS, Florida Statutes designates the second week of February as Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week, to recognize the enduring and invaluable contributions foster parents provide to children in their care; and
WHEREAS, families and children across the great State of Florida will celebrate the impact that foster families have on children and families; and
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Rick Scott, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing February 12-18, 2018, as Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week and encourage all Floridians to consider opening their hearts and homes to children in this state who Florida Foster Family Appreciation Week proclamation are in need of a quality foster family.