The Florida FAPA makes a difference in the lives of foster, adoptive and relative caregivers by providing support, training, and advocacy. Every licensed foster parent, relative, non-relative caregiver, and adoptive parent in the state of Florida are automatically entitled to the benefits provided by the Florida FAPA. Florida FAPA’s mission statement is to support, educate, and advocate on behalf of foster and adoptive families.
Membership Benefits:
- Attend mini-conferences each quarter in various parts of the state.
- Participate in Advocacy Day in Tallahassee where we advocate for the families we serve.
- Attend the Annual Educational Conference where over 300 parents attend. This is agreat opportunity to meet and network with other parents. Florida FAPA Boardadvocates on your behalf statewide and locally. They are involved in workgroups andinitiatives designed to improve the care system in Florida.
- Networking opportunities with other foster families, adoptive families and relativecaregivers
- Foster Allegation Support Team (FAST) Program to help in the event of an abuseallegation. Our FAST coordinator is available to offer guidance and support during thisdifficult time. The FAST Program is designed and maintained by Florida FAPA.
Why Join?
So why should you pay membership dues if you receive all of this for free?
- A dues-paidmember is eligible to vote on issues and concerns and participate in the electionprocess.
- It also provides financial support for Florida FAPA as we work around the clock for youand your entire family.
- To be eligible for Florida FAPA Annual Conference and/or other National/StateConferences scholarship, you must be a member of Florida FAPA.
- Individual Dues are $10/calendar year.
- Family Dues are $15/calendar year.
- Only dues paid members may be nominated for the Executive Board.
Local FAPA Associations
- Florida FAPA serves as an extension of your local association and is here to support theassociation in various ways, whether it’s help with infrastructure, training or findingways to attract new members.
- Attend the President’s Council at the Annual Conference.
- Local association dues are $50/calendar year.