Here are some National Child Traumatic Stress Network resources to get you ready to be able to respond to a hurricane:
- Help Kids Cope is a mobile app to assist families cope with hurricanes and flooding. Download the free app today for Apple and Android devices. The app has helpful guidance on how to prepare for the storm, how to support your family during the storm, and if your family needs additional support after the storm.
- Simple Activities for Children Without Power or When Playing Outside is Restricted (English)
- Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after Hurricanes (English) or
Guia para los padres para ayudar a los niños despues de un hurricane (Spanish) - After the Hurricane: Helping Young Children Heal (English)
- Helping Young Children and Families Cope with Trauma (English) or
Ayudando a Niños(as) y Familias a Enfrentarse con el Trauma (Spanish) - College Students Coping after the Hurricane (English)
- Teacher Guidelines for Helping Children after Hurricanes (English)
- Trinka and Sam Children’s Booklet (English) or Trinka y Juan en un día de mucho viento y lluvia (Spanish)
Trinka and Sam the Rainy Windy Day is a story developed to help young children and their families begin to talk about feelings and worries they may have after they have experienced the hurricane. A parent guide is included that suggests ways that parents can use the story with their children. - Psychological First Aid Guide (English) or Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (Spanish); Psychological First Aid for Schools
- PFA Handouts:
o Parent Tips for Helping Infants and Toddlers(English) or
Consejos para que los padres ayuden a bebés y niños pequeños después de un desastre (Spanish)
o Parent Tips for Helping Preschoolers (English) or
Consejos para que los padres ayuden a los niños de edad preescolar después de un desastre (Spanish)
o Parent Tips for Helping School-age Children (English) or
Consejos para que los padres ayuden a los niños de edad escolar después de un desastre (Spanish)
o Parent Tips For Helping Adolescents (English) or
Consejos para que los padres ayuden a los adolescentes después de un desastre (Spanish)
- E-Learning Courses:
o For disaster responders, take PFA Online at (English)
o For community and mental health providers who plan to continue working with affected communities long-term, review Skills for Psychological Recovery (SPR) and take the SPR Online course.
- Other Mobile Apps:
o PFA Mobile and SAMSHA Behavioral Health Disaster Response
- SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline: Call –800-895-5990 or text TalkWithUs or 66746. English speakers in US Territories text TalkWithUs to 1-212-461-4635