Nominations Received:
Secretary: Curtis Byrd & Christine Morris
Internal VP: Orlando Avila
The positions of Secretary and Internal Vice President are up for election this year. The position requirements and descriptions are below (and on the downloadable nomination form.)
Nomination Process 2019
Responsibilities of all members of the Board of Directors
Policy Statement:
• Attend all meetings, face to face or conference call of the Board unless previously excused by the President.
• Participate in the planning, facilitation and implementation of all events supported by FloridaFAPA.
• The Board of Directors is empowered to act for the organization as a whole.
• The Board cannot delegate its decision-making authority to a portion of the membership.
• Each member of the Executive Board will be delegated specific duties to oversee and support
• Interprets and enforces the provisions of the bylaws as well as the Policy and Procedure Manual.
• Promote by attitude and action, needed to bring about changes and improvements in the child welfare system of care.
• Provide a vehicle for communication between Florida FAPA members, the Community Based Care agencies, Department of Children and Families and other partners in the system of care in Florida.
• Act as an information center and research body regarding matters of resources, finances, education and legislation for our members and partners statewide.
New board members participate in orientation and training, so they can represent and govern the organization. Training sessions shall be held at least annually.
A Board leadership manual shall be provided to new board members and updated annually for the full board.
At a minimum, the manual and orientation shall include the following:
• Articles of Incorporation
• Bylaws
• Policy Manual
• Annual Budget
• Annual Calendar
• Organizational Chart
• Roster of Volunteer Leaders and Staff
• Recent Minutes
Duties of the Secretary
• Record the minutes of all Florida FAPA meetings (i.e. specifically Executive Board Meetings, Board of Director Meetings, Membership and President Council meetings and other meetings as requested)
• Draft meetings within 10 working days of the meetings and send to all board members
• Maintain current and accurate copies of all organizational documents (i.e. minutes, by laws, policies and procedures, treasurer reports, etc.)
• Send a calendar invite of the time and place of each meeting to each member of the board at least thirty days prior to meetings
• Responsible for the publication of newsletters, membership, parliamentarian procedure, bylaws and electronic communication with the assistance of External VP, assigned Ambassadors and entire board
• May oversee a CBC, DCF region and local FAPA contact. If assigned they will establish a relationship with DCF regional Administration, CBC CEO and FAPA board at least monthly.
Duties of the Internal Vice President
• Assume responsibilities of president in the absence of the president
• Upon request help organize events as deemed necessary
• Coordinate and oversee the duties of Ambassadors of Conferences, Board Education, Strategic Planning
• May oversee a CBC, DCF region and local FAPA contact. If assigned they will establish a relationship with DCF regional Administration, CBC CEO and FAPA board at least monthly
Nomination Form Instructions
• Nominations are made to the Nominations Chair prior to the June quarterly general membership meeting of FloridaFAPA. At this meeting nominations may also be made from the floor. Once the meeting is adjourned, nominations are closed.
• For the nominations to be accepted, the nominees must be Partner members of FloridaFAPA for one year with a record of at least 50% attendance at Florida FAPA’s quarterly membership meetings, have served on a Florida FAPA committee for one year and/or the same household currently serving on the Board of Directors.
• Must be a Partner member and dues paid by January 1st in order to be nominated. If the nominee is elected to the office of Florida FAPA President, they may not be president of any other local FAPA at the start of their term.
• Within 30 days of accepting the nomination the candidate must present to the nomination chair a letter of recommendation from the CBC, copy of current foster care license or final judgment of permanency.
• In case of a sole nominee, he/she can be elected by acclamation by the Board of Directors.
• Name of nominee contact information
• Name of person doing the nominating (you may nominate yourself)
• Reason for nominating this person.
What to Include:
• Within 30 days of accepting the nomination the candidate must present a letter from their agency stating they are a licensed foster or adoptive parent in good standing with their agency and are of high moral conduct. This letter will be required each time a candidate in nominated.
• A personal biography
• Nominations are made to the Nominations Chair prior to the June quarterly general membership meeting of Florida FAPA. At this meeting nominations may also be made from the floor. Once the meeting is adjourned, nominations are closed