We received this email from Celina Granato (The Executive Administrator for QPI) and we were asked to share it! … Please consider taking part if you are in one of our many QPI communities.
Dear National QPI Network,
Just a reminder that we want to know your thoughts, and maybe hear a story or two, about how QPI has impacted your system.
Click this link to reflect here! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TenYearsQPIandYou
You can email photo(s), too!
Big Thank You from your National QPI Team!
From: Celina Granato <cgranato@qpiylc.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 4:24 PM
Dear QPI Network,
The Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) is preparing for their 5th National Conference in early 2018 when we will also turn 10 YEARS OLD! In ten years, QPI has expanded from three areas in one site to more than 70 sites in ten different states and we’re still growing.
Many voices have been brought to QPI over the years, and we want to capture your thoughts, remarks and observations! Whether you have been with QPI since inception or you are a newer addition to the QPI Family, we ask that you please share commentary or a short story at the link provided about how you, youth and families, and/or your system of care has been impacted by QPI.
By sharing your remarks, you give us permission to display them at the QPI National Conference, as well as our website(s). You may also share with us more than once!
Please distribute this email to all of your system partners and request respondents to provide their comments at this link:
We hope you are able to attend the National Conference which will be held January 16th and 17th, 2018 with us in New Orleans, LA. Registration will be available mid-October, so prepare to come celebrate with us!