2016-03-12 BOD Minutes

Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc. Board of Directors Monthly Quarterly Meeting in Daytona, FL (Face to Face) Saturday, March 12, 2016   Respectfully submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd  The monthly meeting was called to order at 1:28 pm by President Harriett Wynn  Secretary Curtis Byrd took Roll call missing and unexcused was Coleen LaCosta.  All other Board Members and Advisors were there.  A motion was made by Orlando Avila to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Thomas Croom.  Motion passed  Open business  Chris Johnson – reported on the RVP’s all seems to be going well.  Maria Bond – Stated that thing were still the same; Maria reported that she was close to completing the final financial report and would email them out soon.  Maria has taken up the mantle of getting Exhibitors for the conference.  Coleen reported on FAST – There was no report on FAST.  Coleen was excused from this meeting due to West Palm Beach were having their Super Saturday.  Membership – Harry Dubia – Reported that there had been several replies to the membership letter. Harry is taking care of Conference Bags, NEXGEN Bags, and Photography and he is doing the Slideshow. His wife Lori Dubia is taking on the task of table centerpieces and the Chain of Love. Trudy Petkovich – Passed out all the Good Moral Character forms for everyone to complete. The Policy and Procedures redlines are due back to Trudy by April 1, 2016.  Trudy also purposed to the board that QPI is wanting to piggy back with our June conference.  The board agreed. She also is preparing the packets for presenter, packets for attendees, names tags, packets for monitors and possibly stamps or stickers for the in service training hours. Thomas Croom – reported on legislative that both bills passed and are now on the Governors’ desk.  Thomas is handling the Speakers and all the AV equipment.   The discussions of bylaws were tabled until the Executive Board reviews the restructuring of the RVP’s. Xiomara Turner -They are still looking at the licensing codes under and hope to have them completed soon.  Gay Frizzell – reported that the Florida QPI Conference was well attended.  Gay is also taking the task of Awards for this year’s conference, she is confident that she will have them done by May 2016. Melanie Stimmell – Annual Education Conference report Melanie has been working on trainers, exhibitors, and child care. We will have the ability to have medical children with a doctor and nurses in place, this year. Melanie’s children will be taking over the Tweens. Harriett:  Letter for the brochure, Hospitality meets and greets the families if we can have one. Harriett will take care of the Membership Meeting agenda. Chris Johnson – keynote speakers, A/V equipment and we are looking at costs. Presidents meeting Chris will attend to the meeting and the agenda Nex Gen – Amanda Williams has this all under control, looking at exciting new things. Orlando Avila brought up to the board that he knows someone that can make stickers.  Dorothy asks about the wrap for the trailer, saying that it would be a great way to advertise the association.  Curtis Byrd has done Monitors Dorothy will work with him.  Melissa Schol – Hospitality room work with the local association. Melissa stepped up to do the conference program, Maria and Melanie need to discuss the budget today after the meeting.  Chris Johnson reached out to Secretary Carroll for the luncheon Saturday, Chris needs to get the forms completed for him to attend. Lillie Blackshear –Reported that she has, began collecting items for the silent auction; she is also in charge of the 50/50. Harriett thanked everyone for coming. Motion to adjourn made by Thomas Croom and seconded by Melanie Stimmell, the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 9:34 pm.    

2015-11-14 General Membership Mtg

General Membership Quarterly Meeting Nov. 14, 2015, 12:45 PM Friends of Foster Children – West Palm Beach Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Harriet started the meeting at 12:45 with words of welcome. Introduction board members present: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Executive VP), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Charles Parker (Secretary), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager) and Wendy Vernon (Advocacy). Charles discussed the prior meeting minutes (emailed to board members and posted on the website) and asked if anyone had any edits. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Melanie from the floor and Angela McFarlane seconded. Vote passed with no opposition or voiced abstaining votes. Charles then informed the group that the elections for the group were all uncontested and announced that the election of Chris Johnson as Exec VP and the slate of RVPs and that the board will make these elections official at their meeting later that day. (Secretary position was up for election but nominations were declined – so it will be filled by appointment.) Melanie gave an update on the 2016 Annual Education Conference, set for the Orlando Renaissance Resort (Sea World). Date is June 10-12. Looking for exhibitors and trainers. Maria informed the group that there are generally scholarships available through the CBCs, and encouraged members to start talking with their case workers about considerations for these scholarships. Open positions are listed on the website; Harriet encouraged everyone to review the open positions and contact her if they are interested in joining the board. Harriet shared that the association will be participating in Rally in Tally on Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Wendy Vernon gave a brief description of the event to meet with legislators and share with them the needs of our families. (More info at FLchildren.org) Chris gave a Fostering Success Update, in partnership with DCF and QPI focusing on recruiting foster and adoptive homes for teens. He referred everyone to monitor progress at QPIFlorida.org – and if they are interested in participating in any of the workgroups or looking for resources to help share info about the need for homes for teens. Keith gave an Duffels update about the walk in May 21, at the Jacksonville Zoo. Melanie also updated that she has a supply of duffels that she is taking to the central FSFAPA region, but can possibly assist nearby areas. The next Quarterly meeting is in 1Q and is not yet set, Harriet encouraged people to suggest locations and partners (Bartow and Miami/Turnberry Island were suggested.) Charles gave an update on Adoption Intervention legislation and urged everyone to follow the progress on the association’s website and Facebook page. There is a bill in the state senate (590 “Child’s Best Hope”) sponsored by Senator Detert and there will be a house companion introduced in the next several days. The biggest issue in play is to have the Chapter 39 “Best Interest” language tests into this Adoption Intervention process so that the judges can use those tests to determine if the motion is really in the best interest of the children. State Rep. Mark Pafford (D-86) joined the group and shared pointers on how to speak with your legislators effectively. He also shared the pressures and forces at play in Tallahassee, and how effective conversations with your representatives can benefit you. Using the Bill Numbers and Titles when discussing them (and even asking why they voted the way they did) certainly gets their attention. He also encouraged contact with specific “asks” that are presented in a very clear way. Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.

2016-02-29 BOD Minutes

Florida State Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc. Board of Directors Monthly Conference Call February 29, 2016   Respectfully submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd The monthly meeting was called to order at 8:31 by President Harriett Wynn Secretary Curtis Byrd took Roll call missing and unexcused was Wendy Vernon All other Board Members and Advisors were on the call. A motion was made by Orlando Avila to accept the minutes as corrected, seconded by Maria Bond.  Motion passed Open business Chris Johnson reported on the RVP’s all seems to be going well.  He discussed with the RVP’s to please be in touch with the CBC CEO’s so they can speak to them about the Membership Letter.  Chris asked to have the letter resent and a list of those CBC’s that have committed or already sent their checks would be appreciated. Laurallyn reminded Chris that in the letter to the CBC’s one registration included for their membership of $1500. Maria Bond reported that we have $77,724.85 in the bank.  She has the budget ready to go over.  Maria, Trudy and Harriett will go over the agency budget and the contract budget in Daytona so we have it ready for contract talks with Tallahassee.  The three of them will travel to Tallahassee sometime in April to discuss our three year contract with DCF.  The annual budget will be available for our March Board meeting.  Two CBC’s have returned membership in the amount of $1500, Devereux and Children’s Network of SW Fl. Coleen reported on FAST – more of the same concerns have been coming up.  One concern is that biological family members (children) with allegations and are labeled as sexual predators.  The foster parents need to have training to be aware of these concerns about safety prevention methods to put in place in their homes.  The other issue is taking the kids out of the home when there is not immediate concern.  Thomas will update Melanie on anything that might help with finding a speaker to cover these concerns.  Gay also volunteered to report back to Melanie with any suggestions. Membership – Harry Dubia has approximately 140 memberships.  Everyone received the letters Harry sent out to the CBC’s.   Laurallyn has commitments from Eckerd Pasco/Pinellas, Eckerd Hillsborough and Harriett heard from Heartland. Trudy Petkovich – Mini Conference update.  Information has gone out to the Board and Constant Contact from Curtis to the membership.  Harry will speak during the meeting regarding Membership..  Mary Ann Davenport is not going to be able to attend.  There are 22 spots for childcare left. Thomas Croom reported on legislative – as far as we know the two bills will go tomorrow and pass out completely to the Governors office.   SB 7018 child welfare bill contains a lot of various issues with 40 amendments; there is a companion bill in the House.  Not sure there is enough time for that bill to move forward.  We don’t have a position on it. Alan Abramowitz and Thomas have spoke to the Governors office about a bill signing event for the two bills we supported.  They are interested in doing that and Thomas will advise when it will happen. Xiomara Turner updated us that JT will be retiring in April.  They  think JoShonda Guerrier may be her replacement.  They are still looking at the licensing codes under and hope to have them completed soon. Gay Frizzell reported that the Florida QPI Conference is going to be well attended.  The topics they are going to cover:  normalcy, transitions and investigations.  Denise Goodman will be training on Friday about recruitment. Laurallyn Segur – discussed a memo from DCF making it possible for some children in foster care to be home schooled.  Each CBC has been asked to put a policy in place to allow for this to happen on a case by case basis.  Discussion followed about homeschooling in other areas. This may open up some other avenues to recruit foster parent.  Thomas asked for the memo and Laurallyn is going to send it to everyone.  Xiomara offered to speak with anyone wanting to discuss this home schooling memo. Laurallyn advocates at every chance available for better partnership between CBC’s , local associations and FSFAPA. Melanie Stimmell – Annual Education Conference report Melanie has been working on trainers, exhibitors, and child care. We will have the ability to have medical children with a doctor and nurses in place, this year through Nathaniels Hope. Rough draft of the committees: Harriett:  Letter for the brochure, Hospitality meet and greet the families Awards will be handled by Gay again this year. Harry Dubia – conference bags and photos – speakers will have the photos rolling behind them.   Photo booth – a contract is $3000  Melanie thinks that is too much money so she will look into getting a fish eye lens and the props and borrow the printer from a photo company.  Harry will take photos at the conference. Trudy Petkovich – packets for presenter, packets for attendees, names tags,  packets for monitors and possibly stamps or stickers for the in service training hours. Chris Johnson – keynote speakers, A/V equipment and we are looking at costs. Maybe Thomas to help in that area for the a/v  specific needs checking the rooms. Presidents meeting Chris will attend to the meeting and the agenda.  Harriett will take care of the Membership Meeting agenda. Lori  Dubia will be responsible for the Chain of Love. Lori also volunteered to provide the table decorations. Nex Gen – Amanda Williams has this all under control, looking at exciting new things. Being really flexible.  Amanda may be out of town so we are looking at a Plan A or Plan B.  Some of the possibilities will take the teens offsite. If anyone has some out of the box ideas to work with teens please email Amanda.  We have between 50-75 teens and we need volunteers to come and support the NexGen conference. Melanie will work on exhibitors, child care this

2016-01-31 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting   Sunday, Jan. 31, 8:30 p.m. Monthly Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Curtis Byrd. Meeting started at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Curtis Byrd (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Trudy Petkovich (Exc. Director), Lynda Thompson (Bylaws), Melissa Schol (RVP), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Thomas Croom(RVP), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Harry Dubia (Membership), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), and Coleen Lacosta (FAST). The minutes from 11/14/2015 Board Meeting were accepted with changes. Motion made by Chris and seconded by Kara; motion passed with no opposition.  December meeting was cancelled. President Harriett Wynn: Welcomed everyone to our first call of the 2016 year; I want to thank Curtis for stepping back in as the secretary. We are going to table our by-laws discussion until we can meet face-to-face meeting in March. Executive Vice President Chris Johnson: We had our first RVP call of the year week before last, and everybody gave a report on what’s going on around the state. A lot of people shared about the different Christmas activities.  Several of the associations have new leadership and some have completely new Boards.  Many of our team has been around the state visiting the different associations, and things are going. There’s nothing really major as December was focused on Christmas. Legislative Update – Thomas Croom: The Adoption Intervention Bill is on its third reading in the Senate.  The House version is currently in its last committee.  At this time the two bills are identical.  Our expectation is that they the House and Senate will vote on it and it will go to the Governor to be signed. The Foster Parent Appreciation bills are in both the House and Senate and they are doing exactly the same thing.  If the bill passes it calls for the second week in February, starting in 2016 to be Foster Parent Appreciation Week. Alan Abramowitz expects there to be a signing event for both these bills at which we would like all supports, foster parents, stakeholders, parents every to come out. Senate Bill 7018 is moving through the Senate.  This bill is related to child welfare and includes things about group homes.  We have not taken a position on this bill. Treasurer’s Report Maria Bond: We currently have $80,513.30 in the account. The year-end for last fiscal year almost complete; Income: $189,869.04, Expenses: $227,750.43. Harriett asked that Maria send the Financial report out to everyone with a review of all events in the report. Maria will send that report in the morning. If there are any questions please email Maria. Membership Report Harry Dubia: At this time we have approximately 152 paid members. There are Board members who still have not paid their dues which are due by the end of January. Laurallyn and Harry worked on the membership letter to the CBC’s. It is now ready to go out via certified mail. He asked for each RVP to follow up and make an appointment with the CEO/President of the CBC to discuss their membership and encourage their membership. FAST Report – Coleen LaCosta: Reports were calm for a month and now they have increased and it has been crazy. Many areas of the state are looking into different and creative ways of helping support the foster parents. There are some issues in central Florida with retention and the allegations. The licensing people in Jacksonville were not giving the families the information to reach out to FAST so the numbers went down and yet really didn’t. There is no real trend at the moment. Some of the problem around the state is finding the right person to talk with. With the many workforce changes families are frustrated at not being able to reach support in a timely manner, or at all. Then trying to help the relative caregivers and who to call for that support. Trudy is collecting licensing updates around the state, then we are going to reach out and provide up dated information on FAST to them and their families. Annual Education Conference – Melanie Stimmell & Chris Johnson: Melanie reported that Chris is heading up getting presenters and keynote speakers. One idea is to start off the conference with a comedian as the keynote. Melanie is looking for suggestions of exhibitors as she is in the process of sending out letters to the list we have. Chris is working on a letter to the CBC’s that will include the many different scholarships and the registration process. It will include registering for the hotel as well as childcare. Childcare will need more sponsors to help cover the child care costs.   This will be out the first week in February. Bridget Brown and Melanie will hand the registration. If anybody wants to help with the brochure I have that to be done one month out before conference. We changed the logo and made it bigger and added 20th Anniversary Celebration to it. I will send that to everyone this week. Committees, Melanie will send out for sign up next month. We are working with Nathaniel’s Hope to provide child care for medical children and their parents to be able to attend the conference this year. We are set for Friday and Saturday but still need Volunteers for Sunday. Their program called Buddy Break has been offered at Melanie’s church and they have a doctor and nurse on site. NexGen Leadership Conference – Amanda Williams: Melanie and I are working with Urban Surf (who worked with our teens at our Daytona Beach conference several years ago) to do an off site event with the teens 13 to 21. It is a secure site in a warehouse district. There has been discussion about the meeting the needs of our teens including those that don’t swim. Urban Surf would take up the entire day on Saturday. The other days would be filled with activities, leadership training and speakers. Executive Director – Trudy Petkovich: The Quarterly

2015-11-14 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting   Saturday, Nov. 14, 3  p.m. Friends of Foster Children, West Palm Beach Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 3:06 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP – by phone), Keith Best (RVP), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), and Coleen Lacosta (FAST-excused). After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with changes. Motion made by Chris and seconded by Colleen; motion passed with no opposition. Harriet addressed the group as our last face-to-face meeting of the year, and thanked everyone for all they have done this year. She shared that the NFPA wanted to partner with FSFAPA again for a conference in 2018. NFPA has assured that the situation will be different with more information shared. She shared that the Ecomm has some questions for NFPA to ensure the partnership is beneficial to both parties, but the conversation is being explored. Harriet announced the elections by acclamation of Chris as EVP and the slate of RVPs. She also shared that all of the program chairs and ad-hoc positions will be reviewed for the new board and reviewed and set by reappointment for the new board. Harriet also shared that Charles declined the nomination to retain the secretary position and she will be looking for people to appoint to cover his position and other duties in the coming year. She also shared that many of our position holders are not taking their responsibilities to heart. She did feel that we need more accountability at many positions and we need to all evaluate our own performances and seriously consider whether we are effectively filling our roles or covering our territorial requirements. She also reminded the board that the Quarterly reports are due to Trudy on Nov. 20. Urged that they be more focused on the requirements and measures of the position – like meetings attended and assistance provided — rather than what some associations “gave out so many turkeys” etc. The Next Quarterly meeting needs to be set and a location secured. There was discussion about Gainesville as a location. There had been interest at Port St. Lucie, and Dorothy mentioned they had been overwhelmed by the requirements of the meeting place, and that the list may be better shared as a conversation rather than a list that may be seen as “demands.” We also need to be scheduling these regional meetings more in advance so that the requirements can be met across many months rather than just a few. Chris volunteered to take the lead on getting these scheduled. Harriet thanked Friends of Foster Children for hosting a successful quarterly meeting, and thanked them for all their support. More than 70 attended. Treasurer’s report was given by Maria, as of Oct. 31 there was $76,846.89 in the bank, income for the year was $189,968 and expenses $220,783.14.  The operating deficit for the year is  now $30,814.70. Maria commented that this deficit is now more back in line with the original budget expectations despite a major shortfall ($39,000) from the conference, which is generally our biggest fundraiser. This is largely due to recent cost-saving measures and general austerity by the board throughout the year. OLD BUSINESS 2016 Conference – Melanie shared that they are examining everything with an eye toward costs, so that money is spent on the items that are more important to the overall experience. They have also approached a couple of the major churches as alternatives to Super Sitters. They are soliciting ideas and will reach out for assistance on bags and other support. Chris is coordinating the keynote speakers. BAND – Victoria mentioned the band is looking to do a “star search” model to create a next generation of the group. Victoria’s Allen Madden foundation is hoping to kick off their support (and sponsorship coordination) for the band as they come online with their website and FB this week. MEETINGS SCHEDULE – The call set for later this month is cancelled (this meeting covers the month.) Motion to adjourn was made at 4:25 pm by Charles, seconded by Melanie. There was no opposition.

2015-10-26 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting MONDAY, Oct. 26 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Charles Parker (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Harry Dubia (Membership), Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director), Xiomara Turner (DCF Advisor), Melissa Schol (RVP), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor) and Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor). Not in attendance: Maria Bond (Treasurer-excused), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP-excused), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/ Bylaws – excused), David Brown (Nominations – excused), Coleen Lacosta (FAST-excused) After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with changes. Motion made by Chris and seconded by Lillie; motion passed with no opposition. Treasurer report was given in summary by Chris (in Maria’s absence) As of Sept 30 there was $70,504.76 in the bank and the June conference appear to be settled. OLD BUSINESS 2016 Conference – Chris is continuing to work through the planning and things seem to be progressing on schedule. TEEN RECRUITMENT – Amanda reported that work with Fostering Success and have met with Sec. Carroll, and everyone left the meeting with more work to do. Developing a plan to get more recognition nationally. Chris added that he was very encouraged by the support Sec. Carroll offered and that DCF is planning on being more involved in providing support to this effort. BAND – No report. Next Fostering Success event is in Miami on Jan. 30, working on what band involvement would look like. NEW BUSINESS MEETINGS SCHEDULE – The board meeting at the WPB mini conference on Nov. 14 will be the only board meeting for the month. FUNDRAISING – Orlando has set up a GoFundMe account for the association in hopes of raising some money to offset childcare expenses for the conference. There are still some edits that need to be made, but it will go public soon. Also looking at Amazon Smile as a fundraising option. NEW HOME PROGRAM – Trudy reported that the wife of our conference speaker is a realtor in the Orlando area, and has developed a program to assist foster parents in first-time and other home purchases. (including buyer trainings, reduced commissions etc.) The program will start with her broker in the Orlando area and then hopefully spread to other areas of the state. REPORTS SUNCOAST – RVP Melissa reported she attended the Pasco association meeting and there were lots of questions, including about the Duffels program and Adoption Intervention issues. NORTHEAST – RVP Lillie reported that she is working in C4 to assist the association with getting their 501c3, there is progress, but lots of work still to be done. Everything else in C4 and C7 appears to be going well. NORTHWEST – RVP Kara reported that C1 is still on a “high” with the rollout of QPI in the area, and that the CBCs are engaging local FPA leadership. Kara reported that there are 2 local FAPAs that are facing major leadership changes and she is helping train the incoming leaders. At the moment the Adoption Intervention issue is the “ugliest” issue. NORTHCENTRAL – RVP Thomas reports there is not much new outside of a new group forming in Lake City that had its first meeting earlier this month. There is a need for a group in Perry. Tallahassee group has some leadership changes with a VP moving out of the area. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – Thomas reported the Adoption Intervention language is still being hammered out, and that there will be a list of senators on the committee to focus our grass-roots efforts on.   He hopes to get RSVPs for 2-5 parents to visit each member of the committee and once the house sponsor is identified they will do the same on that side. EXEC DIRECTOR REPORT – Trudy reported that 10 board members are set to attend Rally in Tally. David Brown has offered to help on setting appointments along with Thomas and Jennifer McDougal (FCC) and also to meet with Alan Abramowitz. … FCC weekly Monday Morning call at 9am on legislation efforts including AI language. … Miami/SoFla association started an AI petition and their president Denise asked us to continue to share … There is a DCF survey that will be sent out after the meeting that we need to share with parents and associations. … Quarterly reports will go to Trudy and she will compile them into a year-end report. … We have a new contract manager at DCF (Tori Callan) and Trudy is working with her on our next contract … Statewide Dependency Court Improvement Panel is restarting and Trudy will sit on it as FSFAPA rep. DCF ADVISOR – Xiomara thanked the association for their continued support of the recruitment effort Fostering Success, and shared that she is working on the 2016 Youth Leadership class. Apps are out, ask your CBC about the opportunities for 14-17 year olds. … She is also working on the issue of training hours accumulated in the time between the licensing paperwork submission and the receipt of the new license, at this point that training time is “lost” and she is looking for alternatives. … she also reported that the federal normalcy rules are in development and the “prudent parent” guidelines they are using match Florida. QPI – Gay commented that all of her topics have been covered by others on the call, but she also reported that David is all over the state making site visits at every CBC. FCC/CBC – Laurallyn reported that after the Fostering Success meeting with Sec. Carroll reported earlier by Amanda, several of the groups are reconvening to for a more formal “Ask” of what support to request from DCF – including a “bigger” campaign. Also reported that many CBCs are getting excited about the Rally in Tally. DISCUSSION

2015-09-28 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting MONDAY, Sept. 28 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/ Bylaws), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Harry Dubia (Membership), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor) and Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor). Not in attendance: Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs-excused), David Brown (Nominations – excused), Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director-excused), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP-excused), Xiomara Turner (DCF Advisor), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Melissa Schol (RVP), Coleen Lacosta (FAST) After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with changes. Motion made by Chris and seconded by Harry; motion passed with no opposition. Fall Mini Conference will be Nov. 14 in West Palm Beach at the Friends of Foster Children facility. We will participate in their Triple P parenting training and have our quarterly meeting and President’s Council in conjunction with their schedule. Board meeting will be at that same location that evening. Please email Trudy RSVP as soon as possible. OLD BUSINESS DUFFELS – Melanie inquired about the check to purchase additional bags for distribution, understanding is the funds were approved – however Maria is travelling and could not be on the call to confirm. Harriet announced that the 2016 walk is going to be held in Jacksonville at the zoo. BAND – Summit performance was only new activity to report since last call (start of school) The next event for Fostering Success is in October, the band is trying to determine availability for the event. CAREGIVER RECRUITMENT – Chris reported that there were a couple of presentations to share successes and boost recruiting in other circuits. Breakout sessions also shared ideas among various areas. Amanda concurred that everything is kinda in a lull at the moment, groups seem to be trying to figure out what their next moves are. NOMINATIONS – In David’s absence, Charles reported that all info is in ald all positons will be filled by acclamation at the Fall mini conference quarterly meeting. BYLAWS – Lynda asked whether the board wanted to see them in redline or before/after. Harriet responded before/after would be her preference and asked Lynda to forward them to the Executive Committee as soon as she was able. NEW BUSINESS RALLY IN TALLY – Send your name to Trudy if you are interested in participating (Nov. 30-Dec1). 2016 CONFERENCE – Melanie reported that they are working on lining up keynotes looking at childcare options (especially in light of the issues and costs this year.) Chris added they are open to suggestions for themes in addition to the fact it is the 20th annual conference. Melanie asked Lynda to confirm that her daughter would be interested in working with Tweens again next year. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – Thomas reported that Alan’s bill (GAL) is filed and has Dietert as the sponsor in the Senate, there is apparently a House sponsor lined up as well, but that information is being held close to the vest at the moment. Once the legislation is on the board, Thomas has informed Alan (GAL) that FSFAPA will push for addition to strengthen the language (more detailed) in some portions. QPI – Gay commented that Carole got several comments at summit regarding the investigation process and that it seems to be moving away from the QPI expectations. She wants to survey the various county FAPAs to see how this is developing statewide. Harriet added that there have been issues in her area, and Amanda added that she has met with her CBC CEO regarding investigations not following protocols and being misleading (they plan to take this to their DCF region as well.) Charles reported that Collen’s last FAST report indicated this is happening in various parts of the state and removals are happening quickly – and even in cases where the allegations prove unfounded the children are not allowed to return. (He pointed out the incongruity to the best interest/transition issues QPI stands for.) Melanie also pointed out that this issue is also one she heard from parents in Hernando in a recent visit. FCC/CBC – Laurallyn reported that CBCs focus on Teen Recruitment has not had as much progress as they would have liked, they are polling all CBCs to see what has worked where, and hope to set best practices model. She also reported that the investigation issue Gay outlined may have some policy components as some CBCs and CPI units remove immediately as a matter of policy. Laurallyn suggested that FSFAPA present at a future FCC meeting to share our vision and goals and get it in front of all the CBC CEOs. EXEC DIRECTOR REPORT – Trudy reported (via Harriet) that at the Summit she was surprised at the number of CPIs and CMs that were not aware of the FAST program. DISCUSSION – Harriet shared with the board that Orlando had broken his femur the week prior and was recovering from surgery at Shands (Jacksonville) well with hopes of going home next week. Motion to adjourn was made at 8:58 pm by Chris, seconded by Kara. There was no opposition.

2015-08-31 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting MONDAY, Aug. 31 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Melissa Schol (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Coleen Lacosta (FAST), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Not in attendance: Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Harry Dubia (Membership), David Brown (Nominations – excused), Xiomara Turner (DCF Advisor) After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with changes. Motion made by Chris and seconded by Maria; motion passed with no opposition. TREASURER’S REPORT – July 31 Financial Report had income of $102,774.55 and expenses of $202,321.95. Does not include the $60,000 DCF reimbursement for conference which arrived in August. With that the current amount in the bank is $63,086.93. FALL MINI CONFERENCE – Set for Nov. 14 in Palm Beach County. Hosted by Friends of Foster Children. Will be inconjunction witht heir “Triple-P” parenting program. Maria will send location & speaker info for website and newsletter etc. OLD BUSINESS DUFFELS – LaShaun sent an email to the entire board asking if we were interested in “spinning off” duffles as own program. Exec committee is investigating this further but initial reaction is in support of the idea. There was no further discussion. BAND – Victoria reported that the band will perform at the Summit, and that it will be a new set, including a song writted for them by Kurt Kelly. There will be many people participating in the performance, including Kelly, Secretary Carroll and others. CAREGIVER RECRUITMENT – no meetings since last update. Band did have an event in support of this in Jensen Beach. DCF reimbursement issues persist. There are meetings and presentations on this topic set for the Summit. NOMINATIONS – David reports he has received all information necessary to confirm nominations. BYLAWS – Charles reported that a possible redline available at the summit, but since there is no board meeting to confirm them at the summit, they will be reviewed later and presented to the general meeting later in the year. There had been some question about this creating a confusing timeframe with next year’s election, but Charles indicated that we’d likely choose an effective date of January 1 regardless of which GMs they are presented. NEW BUSINESS NACAC UPDATE – Submited in writing (emailed to board) prior to the meeting by Trish, there were no questions. RVPS – Thomas reported that there is a new association being cultivated in his area (North Central) and things have been very positive. He also has been working with ELC on several issues, but nothing to report on those at this time. Keith reported that he attended the South Dade FAPA meeting – they have an all new board of directors in place: they held a backpack distribution. The church they meet at is very supportive. He also attended the Miami-Dade FAPA where they had 25-30 at the meeting. Also held a backpack distribution and gave away free movie passes. The deadline for their travel club (Disney park visit) is Sept. 1. Keith also reported that Broward FAPA has managed to hold a meeting every month this year —which is a vast improvement over the past. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – Committee meetings for the session starts on Sept. 14. Legislature is “going nowhere” on a litany of issues, so it remains to be seen whether there will be progress on the Adoption Intervention issue. FAST – Colleen reported that the phone has been really busy with complicated calls. Seems to be a trend developing removals surrounding allegations and the children never returning to the home – even if the allegations are found to not be credible. This is happening in SW FL, Panhandle and Volusia according to the calls she is seeing. Thomas indicated he is seeing this in his area as well and has a meeting with Big Bend CBC CEO to discuss this. It appears there is no real policy or procedure in place to compel the CBCs to handle this issue – Big Bend has agreed to work up a policy for review with recognition of the trauma removals can create. Thomas will share the draft when complete. PRESIDENT REPORT – Fostering Success workgroups are continuing to meet and the work on the “matching” software continues. Lots of discussion of short term vs. long term goals in development of matches. There is also still discussion about the need for a hotline, but liability concerns have that stalled at the moment. QPI – Gay reported that there will be a few QPI events at the summit, Thursday at 10 am there will be a QPI workshop, Thursday at 2 pm there will be 2 focus groups one for caregivers, one for teens. DCF is supporting this and will allow people to participate in these even without being part of the Summit – an email about this has been sent out and Gay has asked us (especially RVPS) to share this with caregivers that may be able to participate. NEX GEN – Amanda reported that there are several groups around the state that have contacted her to expand the Nex Gen concept to local associations. EXEC DIRECTOR REPORT – FCC Rally in Tally is set for Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Hotel is $129/room. Cost of registration/participation is not yet set. If interested, please let Trudy know. On the legislative front, FCC has concerns about infighting between legislators and hopes it doesn’t affect their goals. FCC will share their agenda with us when it is complete (before public) but they are also concerned about issues with Group Homes and Fl Chilodren’s First is pushing a draft of legislation concerning some

2015-07-27 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting MONDAY, July 27 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Harry Dubia (Membership), Coleen Lacosta (FAST), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), Xiomara Turner (DCF Advisor) and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Others in Attendance: Lori Dubia (Chains) Not in attendance: Thomas Croom (RVP), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy – excused), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), David Brown (Nominations) Excused: Dorothy Alvarez (RVP); After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted. Motion made by Orlando and seconded by Melanie; motion passed with no opposition. TREASURER’S REPORT – June 30 Financial Report had $83,677.68 in bank with Expenses of $132,331, approximately $70,000 over budget, much of which will be resolved by the DCF reimbursement for the conference (per agreement, DCF will cover $60,000 for conference and there are stirrings they may add up to $15,000 to offset some of the high costs of childcare for the conference.) DCF says the money has been processed but we are still waiting. (Maria noted that we started the year with $105,000 in the bank.) With the bills that have been paid since the report, we have a virtual zero balance in the operating account awaiting the reimbursements, so all expenses are to be approved by Maria until further notice. Charles expressed concern over the conference final numbers (not complete yet) because it is historically our best fundraiser – and the expected $60k reimbursement does not even appear to get us to break-even. Maria outlined the main expenses as the hotel at $85k and the childcare at $35k, and characterized the conference as “Looking at a significant loss.” Charles expressed concern, as this is now 2 years without income from the conference (NFPA joint conference in 2014 limited our leverage to produce income) and asked what we can do to stem this in the future (including looking at locations outside Orlando.) Harriet shared that this was the first conference in 16 years that she remembers as having an operating loss, and that we also may need to explore other fundraising opportunities and increasing our conference fees. Chris brought up site visits to possible locations for 2016, and indicated that the Orlando Renaissance (Sea World) is the current front-runner and asked Maria to let him know when the finances are more settled so we can make a deposit to reserve the location. CONFERENCE FOLLOW UP – Orlando and Chris will be working on the cleaning bill and related issues with the Hilton and Super Sitters in the coming week. Moving forward we need to evaluate our childcare options including other vendors and the capabilities to care for medically complex children. There have been suggestions to reach out to CMS to get assistance and more alternatives for these families, but clearly the approach we took with Super Sitters this year needs to change. Keith says the evaluations are 85% complete and will be returned (complete) this week. Will send to Thomas, Chris and Melanie (copy Trudy) when done. DUFFELS – Need to get an inventory (it appears Lillie may be the only RVP with any bags); Melanie indicated she could use more. We need to see if there are any to use for her and the Summit distribution. The Duffels Walk did not raise money (in fact may have ended as a loss) so there is no operating money in the Duffels program to order more. Maria is checking to see if all the restricted funds were used on the last order or if there may be more. After August 15, LaShaun will begin working with FSS on the 2016 walk in Jacksonville, which already seems to have more support than the Daytona/Orange Park event. ADOPTION INTERVENTION – Charlie gave a quick update. He believes that we are waiting on revised language from GAL Legal to begin to shop the proposed legislation for sponsors; in addition to the Ch. 39 Best Interest language being added to the Adoption Intervention statute, the hope is to create a time-sensitive case that allows the parents to fully utilize the statute for the first 60-90 days of a case, and then diminish their ability to derail the dependency case the longer the case progresses (especially in cases where there are clear bonds forming with caregivers). The intent would be to prevent the “last ditch” interventions at the eve of TPR and TPR advisory hearings. Melanie asked Charles if he could send her the 2015 session proposed language that was not sponsored. NEX GEN BAND – The band is headed to Tally for a Saturday night event sponsored by Big Bend CBC. DCF will be reimbursing the band travel expenses. The event is part of the Fostering Success recruitment effort. Additional events in Jax on Aug 15 and Devereaux will sponsor an event on August 21 (location TBA). The band is also slated to perform at the opening of the DCF Summit. TEEN RECRUITMENT – Chris indicated that everything seems to be moving forward, and the QPI site has embraced the effort and has become a great resource on the Fostering Success front. Lots of promo materials are coming together with the logo, including a PSA with more to come. Really excited for the event in Tally this week. Still working on the “Matching System” (TeenHarmony?) to get teens to the right homes. Melanie added the recruitment teams are looking for recruitment updates about whether the effort is generating calls and how they are being handled. She asked the RVPS to add this to the list of issues they discuss with the CBCs. BOARD SHIRTS – Anyone that needs shirts or wants additional shirts needs to get in contact with

2015_06_19 General Membership Mtg

General Membership Quarterly Meeting June 19, 2015, 3:30 PM Orlando Hilton (FSFAPA Annual Education Conference) Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Harriet started the meeting at 3:35 with words of welcome. Introduction board members present: Harriett Wynn (President), Charles Parker (Secretary), Chris Johnson (Executive VP), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Thomas Croom (RVP), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Harry Dubia (Membership), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Amanda Williams (NexGen Teens), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), David Brown (Nominations), Rose Stayduhar (FAST Coordinator) Charles announced that the minutes from the previous GM Meeting had been put on the tables prior to the meeting and asked if anyone had any edits. Motion to accept the minutes was made by Tamara Harry from the floor and Chris Johnson seconded. Vote passed with no opposition or voiced abstaining votes. Harriet announced that there would be a duffels distribution after the RVP meetings on Saturday in the same room that the GM Meeting was taking place. Charles then retook the stage and called Nominations Chair David Brown up. Charles shared that there were three Executive Board positions that were due for an election this year at the next (Fall) General Membership Meeting (Secretary, Director of Programs and EVP). David then shared that all three current occupants of those positions had been nominated to continue and the floor was opened to additional nominations for each of the three positions and none were heard. Nominations closed. Charles also shared that there had been some issues with the transition and record keeping when his predecessor left the secretary position for health reasons, and that there was some confusion as to which RVP positions were supposed to be up for election this year. He shared that the executive board and full board had decided to put the entire slate up for election at this time so that the membership had the opportunity to vote for the people in these positions. None of the current RVPs are in their positions because of a contested election, and the majority are in the position by appointment. Charles also shared that due to the difficulty of finding RVPs, the board has expressed a desire to update the bylaws to make the RVP postions appointed and follow the same terms as the sitting president. David opened the floor for nominations and there was one for Suncoast RVP (Melissa Schol) and NE RVP (Christy Connor) Harriet made announcements about the security for NexGen and Tweens – they need to be wearing the correct shirts or badges or they cannot come in. There were nominations from the floor for the prospective location for our Fall Regional Mini-Conference and General Membership meeting; locations included Innisbrook (Palm Harbor), Daytona, Jacksonville, Gainesville, St. Pete, Panhandle and Tampa. Chris Johnson shared that FSFAPA has become a full member of the Florida Coalition for Children. We took this step to gain more of an equal standing with the CBCs and CMAs that make up FCC. We want to be seen as equal partners. Charles and Thomas Croom then explained the FSFAPA legislative focus for the 2016 session: Adoption Intervention. There has been an increase statewide of parents using this legislation as a last-ditch power-grab to exert control just prior to TPR, and we also believe that there are cases of less-ethical adoption agencies/attorneys soliciting families to exercise this option in ways the legislation did not intend. FSFAPA is not against cases where the parents quickly utilize this process and the child avoids or minimizes their time in foster care, but we are against it being used well after the child has bonded with other caregivers. FSFAPA is working with the GAL office and DCF to support efforts to have the “best interest” language from Chapter 39 inserted into this legislation (to make it uniform) and to explore a sliding scale that weighs the parent’s wishes more heavily early in the process, and the child’s rights and best interests more heavily after 60 or 90 days. FSFAPA will begin collecting first hand accounts of AI stories to support the effort later this year. Motion to adjourn was heard at 4:25 p.m. and was seconded by many. No opposition was heard.