2015_04_14 General Membership Mtg

FSFAPA General Membership Meeting April 14 2015-1:30 pm Tallahassee, Fla Submitted for approval by FSFAPA RVP Kara Elliott-Jordan Meeting started by 1:32 Following were in attendance: Harriet Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Kara Elliott-Jordan (RVP), Keith Best (VP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator, Kinship), Harry Dubia (Membership), Gay Frizzel (QPI Advisor), Maria Bond (Treasurer), and Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor) Not in Attendance: Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Charles Parker (Secretary), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair),), Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director), David Brown (Legislative Advisor), Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisor), Thomas Croom (RVP), and Melanie Stimmell (RVP) I. Roll Call of Board members completed II. Minutes from February general meeting accepted a. Motion by Colleen LaCosta, seconded by Dorothy Alvarez III. President’s Message a. Harriet announced Thomas Croom as the new North Central RVP b. Gave an update on the new DCF/FSFAPA initiative to recruit foster parents for teens c. Introduced board members in attendance IV. Old Business a. Upcoming Events i. 2015 Duffels for Kids Walk is May 16 in Port Orange, FL. Encouraged everyone to participate or donate and to share with their networks. Can register as a virtual walker online. ii. Annual Education Conference is June 19-21 at the Orlando Hilton. CBCs have been given scholarships for their area. FSFAPA has scholarships available for adoptive parents or kinship caregivers who are no longer licensed foster parents. See floridafapa.org/events for details. b. Change of Quarterly Meeting Schedule for 2016 i. There will not be a general membership during Children’s Week in 2016 ii. Still in need of a host site for the Fall Mini Conference in October 2015. Let FSFAPA board know if you’re local association and/or CBC would be interested in hosting c. Suncoast RVP position open i. Executive VP Chris Johnson has a potential candidate and will update as able V. NEW BUSINESS a. Membership i. Drop in membership from 2014 to 2015 because members did not renew during new year. Renew online at floridafapa.org b. Fast/Kinship i. Currently more calls from the West Coast than other areas ii. Helpful resources for kinship caregivers on webpage. Floridafapa.org/programs/kinship-care c. Adoptions i. Florida’s Adoption Information Center is hosting an Adoption Conference May 21-23 at the Sheraton Lake Buena Vista Resort. Saturday portion of the conference is FREE for adoptive parents. Limited childcare is available. See details at floridafapa.org/event/floridas-adoption-information-center-adoption-conference d. Advisor Reports i. QPI 1. Reiterated recruitment of homes for teens in foster care Meeting Adjourned at 1:47

2015-06-18 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting THURSDAY, June 18 – 3:00 p.m. Hilton Orlando Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 3:00 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Harry Dubia (Membership), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL) LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), David Brown (Nominations), Rose Stayduhar (FAST Coordinator) and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Not in attendance: Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisor), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy – excused), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager – excused). After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with corrections. Motion made by Thomas and seconded by Orlando; motion passed with no opposition. PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Enjoyed working with everyone to get the conference set up; some gave 110%, a few gave a little less. Encouraged those that need help to let other board members know – so nothing gets missed. We have to work together, but we will get it done. Chris interjected that Harriet, Lynda and Trudy have carried much of the load for the conference and thanked them – but there is still plenty for us all to do. Harriet thanked LaShaun Wallace for stepping up and helping lay out the program, welcomed Rose to her first Board meeting. EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Lynda let everyone know that the team meeting to kick off Friday would be at 8:45. Encouraged all to be vigilant about badges for participants and kids (teens have shirts as well) for safety. Board approved giving FSFAPA Travel Mugs to speakers as Thank Yous. BOARD SHIRTS – Orlando announced the shirts were in and would distribute after the meeting, price was in the $20 range if you ordered a Polo (dependent on size) and the board paid for one Oxford for each board member. EVP/RVP – Chris reported that he and Harriet were going to meet the prospective RVP for Suncoast Region at the conference as an interview. NEX GEN BAND – Playing at the Conference at both general sessions (Saturday and Sunday.) TEEN RECRUITMENT – Committees are making progress, Pat Smith (Saturday’s Keynote will share the new Fostering Success PSA and some support materials, logo.) NOMINATIONS – David and Charlie are moving forward with the nomination process, David indicated that all RVPs and the three sitting executive board members up for election have been re-nominated for their current positions (either by email or in-person to him). At this point there are no opposing nominations for any of the positions, the floor will be open at the General Membership Meeting on Friday for final nominations. Any contested elections will be held at the GM Meeting this Fall (TBD). DCF ADVISOR – Kristi is leaving DCF to relocate with her husband (who has been working out-of-state). QPI ADVISOR UPDATE – Gay reinforced the information about the Teen Recruitment project. David interjected that he is looking for parents of teens in care to share stories for a blog in support of the recruitment effort. FAST – Rose asked anyone that had helped with FAST previously to email her the capacity they held. She is still working her way into the position. Charles indicated that some of the emails she had been in on were copied to him, and he shared that her responses were exactly the type of support the position needed to offer, and her understanding of the procedures was a big plus. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT – Trudy shared that there will be a Purple notebook either in Clear Lake or at Registration for suggestions and notes for coming conferences. Please use it! Duffles will be distributed after RVP meetings on Friday. Board wears long-sleeve red shirts on Satuday. A motion was made to adjourn (by several) and seconded (by several) and the meeting closed at approximately 5 p.m.

2015-05-26 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting May 26, 2015 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Harry Dubia (Membership), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL) LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisors), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Not in attendance: Wendy Vernon (Advocacy – excused), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager – excused), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP-excused) After attendance, the minutes from the prior Board Meeting were accepted with corrections. Motion made by Melanie, seconded by Lillie; motion passed with no opposition. EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Harry has 200 bags donated for attendees and is working to fill them; Maria has acquired walkie Talkines; Charlie expects to have an AV needs list together Wednesday to share with the Conference committee and use to for the request for bids (and determine if the association should outright purchase any of the items). The Board meeting at the event will be announced later (Harriet will take a poll by email after this meeting); Trudy reports there are 270 kids in childcare and they are looking at what their total capacity could be; Lillie reports the silent auction donations are advancing slowly, but that is always the case and she is not concerned at this point. DUFFEL WALK – gave out 38 -40 bags to FPs that showed up for the event, all that were registered for bags were delivered. There were some donated bags locally and those were used to make logistics easier. RVP – Chris reports that there is some progress in the search for Suncoast RVP and his leading candidate will be at the conference. BOARD SHIRTS – Cost for the polos should be about $25 per person and can be paid on delivery at the conference. Get with Orlando for sizing and ordering info ASAP. TEEN RECRUITMENT – Amanda, Chris, Trudy, Harriet and Laurallyn are all on committees for this effort and report that progress is being made. Amanda reports that they are finalizing a resource book and they hope that it will help retention (along with continued FSFAPA involvement and keeping parents engaged). Chris reported that they are following up on the PSAs that will be used this summer. ADOPTION INTERVENTION – There is a meeting with Allen Abromowitz and several board members in June (before conference). Melanie reported that at one of her meetings there were people that wanted to share their Adoption Intervention stories, and that she would follow up (they have not contacted her.) ADOPTION CONFERENCE – Trish reported that attendance was not great, but the conference was excellent and topics covered were pertinent (i.e. Teenage Brain Developtment). Good experience, good information, wishes there were more involved than core group. DCF ADVISOR – Kristi is leaving DCF to relocate with her husband (who has been working out-of-state). Her last day will be end of June, replacement DCF advisor should be named soon. Kristi also mentioned that there is a wider recruitment retention issue that has DCF exploring “best practices” among the CBCs and discussions of ways to use FP mentors. Kristi also participated in a National Foster Care Board discussion; shared Florida’s moves on Normalcy and Prudent Parent standards and reported that Florida is still leading positive change on many fronts. QPI ADVISOR UPDATE – Gay reinforced the information about the Teen Recruitment project, also shared that Amanda and daughter are headed to the White House later this week to represent Florida at a Children’s Bureau event on Developmentally Appropriate Foster Care. CBC ADVISOR UPDATE – Laurallyn reported that FP retention issues are popping up across the state, at a time when kids in care is rising. Retention needs to be an additional focus (with recruitment) MEMBERSHIP – Harry reported that after discussing with Trudy the method of counting members, it was determined the consistent manner would be to count adult members individually rather than family memberships as a single unit. That puts the numbers at 102 paid members. TREASURER REPORT – FSFAPA has more than $109,000 in the bank, with coming adjustments for the conference. We are ahead of projections at this point. FAST – Rose took over May 11 and has handled 10 calls, is concerned that the local understanding of the program may need to be a focus at the conference. She will also be doing a FAST Training at the Summit in September. EXECUTIV DIRECTOR REPORT – Trudy went to a state advisory board for adoptions and reports that there are many changes coming in adoptions in Florida. Says there will be some piece put into the adoptions process specifically about post adoption services. Most of her other work has been on the conference or the Band (which is in Boynton Beach this weekend.) At 9:34 Chris made the motion to adjourn, Amanda seconded and none opposed.

2015-04-27 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting April 27, 2015 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Charles Parker (Secretary), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), , Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), , Harry Dubia (Membership), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL) LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisors), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). David Brown (past CBC advisor) was also in attendance. Not in attendance:, Trish Allen (Adoptions), Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor – Kristi covered), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator, Kinship), Thomas Croom (RVP – excused) After attendance, the minutes from the prior April Board Meeting (Tallahassee, Children’s Week) were accepted with corrections. Motion made by Orlando, seconded by Lillie; motion passed with no opposition. ADVOCACY DAY – Wrap up by Lillie, “everything went very well.” If we participate at similar levels in the future it would be helpful to have talkin points firmed up earlier. Comments were positive, but in general the feeling is that Rally in Tally just prior to session is a better opportunity moving forward. DUFFELS – Keith referred to a detailed email from LaShaun to all board members earlier in the day, was also discussion about use of trailer for walk. Expected distribution should match closely with delivery, not expecting to have to transport large number back. EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Trudy indicated that registrations are coming in and emphasized that we need to make sure people are aware that child care registration must be done on Super Sitter website. There was discussion that the Super Sitters form was not prefilled with event name, location or times, which may create issues (Trudy was going to follow up.) DAVE THOMAS GRANT – No change. Some discussion about the process to start grant idea discussions and submission to Maria. There was some discussion about finding a way to tie grants to the upcoming adoption intervention effort or teen foster parent recruitment initiative. NEX GEN BAND – Due to Spring Break/Easter timing conflicts the scheduled fundraiser in Leesburg has been postponed; looking for a summer date. Still involved withy Cruise Ticket sales split fundraiser. Band will also do a tour in support of the Teen Foster Parent Recruitment initiative this summer – kicking off a “Summer Success Tour” at the conference and culminating at the Summit. TEEN FOSTER PARENT RECRUITMENT – David expanded on the Summer Tour for the band telling the board about the work with the CBCs and DCF, the fact they are lining up dates (to be shared very soon) and everyone is excited to use this opportunity to raise the profile of the need for caregivers for teens in care. They are currently developing materials to promote events in advance and for those at the events. MEMBERSHIP – Harry reported that we are still low on membership (but have creeped over 40 families/70 individual members)numbers, discussed using a Constant Contact email campaign to try to remind past members to renew so they can take part in elections and nominations at conference. EVP REPORT – Suncoast is still open, there are some discussions but nothing firm at this point. Melanie is meeting with some organizations and foster parents in Suncoast in an attempt to ensure they are supported. TABLECLOTH MIA – Harriet asked the board to check their materials from Fernandina, as the association’s printed tablecloth is still missing in action. Will check with FSS to make sure it wasn’t left behind. BOARD SHIRTS – Orlando has secured a vendor that can supply Oxford and Polo shirts (at quality similar or better than the old blue ones) for $26 ea. Printed for the oxford style and $20 for polos with an order of 20 or more.) He is going to check on color availability as he was not aware red had been decided on. Shirts will be available in men’s and women’s varieties. FCC CONFERENECE – Trudy asked for anyone that is interested in attending the FCC conference to contact her ASAP as reservations need to be finalized this week. TREASURER’S REPORT – Maria was travelling and will email a treasurer’s report this week. SECRETARY REPORT – ELECTIONS/NOMINATIONS: Up for Nomination at the Conference in June are the EVP, Director Of Programs and Secretary. Charles has researched (with Trudy) the last several elections due to uncertainty about the RVPs positions that should be up for election this cycle. There is conflicting information, including an election 3 years ago which all RVPs simultaneously stood election. Because the majority of our RVPs are either appointed or open (not a result of contested elected) the executive board decided they would like to update the bylaws to make all the RVP posts appointed and corresponding to the President’s elected terms. In the mean time the 2015 elections (for 2016 service) being mid-presidential term the executive board decided that all RVPs will stand election this year for the remainder of the current presidential term (one year). The board’s representative (nomination chair – TBD) will present a slate of RVPs to stand election (nominations will be accepted), any uncontested posts will be elected in this manner for the 2016 year. The executive board and full board will begin the process to update the bylaws to reflect this new approach. (Which will have to be ratified by a membership vote.) After discussion, there were no objections — including from the RVPS — to moving ahead in this manner. DCF ADVISOR – Kristi expanded on David’s comments on the Summer of Success tour and the workgroups behind the recruitment effort. There will be a follow up webcast Thursday (follow up to original meeting March 13 in Tampa). Expects to hear how the plan will roll out statewide with the roles and assignments more clearly defined.

2015-04-13 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting April 13, 2015-8:30 pm Tallahassee, Fl Submitted for approval by FSFAPA RVP Kara Elliott-Jordan Meeting started by 8:35 Following were in attendance: Harriet Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Kara Elliott-Jordan (RVP), Thomas Croom (RVP), Keith Best (VP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator, Kinship), Harry Dubia (Membership), Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisor), Gay Frizzel (QPI Advisor), Maria Bond (Treasurer), David Brown (Legislative Advisor), and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director) Not in Attendance: Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Charles Parker (Secretary), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager) Minutes from March 30 Conference call were reviewed. Motion to accept by Chris Johnson, seconded by Thomas Croom. Motion passed, minutes approved. FLORIDA COALITION FOR CHILDREN (FCC ) MEETING SUMMARY: • Chris provided an FCC update. • FSFAPA is now a member of the FCC, which primarily represents CBCs in legislative matters. • Trudy is participating on the FCC weekly phone call on Monday mornings. • Kurt Kelly met with FSFAPA Executive Board members on Monday, April 13.    o discussed increasing FSFAPA visibility and presence in Tallahassee and offered help with signage and connecting FSFAPA board to legislators. Kurt was introduced to Thomas (board member residing in Tallahassee).    o Discussed recruitment and FSFAPA members noted retention as a critical to recruitment and was able to share our desire and concerns related to retaining quality foster parents    o Kurt shared ideas for additional training for teens and foster parents of teens—specifically equipping foster parents to help prepare teens for life as an adult    o Kurt welcomes our input and our suggestions for areas the FCC can assist in our mission    o Provided space in the FCC building for FSFAPA use whenever we are in Tallahassee • Following Chris’s update, there was general discussion regarding the frequency of FCC conference calls and Harriet expressed her satisfaction that FSFAPA is being heard as a partner in the process. QPI COLLABORATION (David Brown) • Current focus is on supporting teens and recruiting homes for teens • NexGen band is a tremendous resource and part of a strategic plan to inform, educate, and recruit homes for teens across the state by traveling to different CBC’s to perform and share their stories • At Florida Youth Leadership Academy trip this weekend, participants will be recorded as part of a public speaking assignment on what foster parents of teens should know. Videos will be packaged and sent to CBCs essentially as a marketing tool to assist in recruitment of appropriate homes • Beyond the summer: discussion will need to take place regarding the next steps after summer tour and the June conference. How will we move the process forward for our teens in care? TREASURER REPORT (Maria Bond) • Discussed/reviewed expense forms for preapproved expenses. Sample form provided for everyone in attendance. Identical to forms used by DCF staff. Mapquest with route must be attached to form. Authorization to incur travel form is for out of state travel and must be submitted to Harriet for preapproval • Maria will send travel policy via email to Board • She encouraged board members to submit travel forms to her email under high importance so that checks can be cut in a timely fashion • Chris mentioned that the finance committee reviewed travel procedures and per diem and would like the board to return to filling out travel forms individually and removing that burden of responsibility from the Treasurer (Maria has been completing this for everyone) QPI ADVISOR REPORT (Gay Frizzel) • Reiterated what David shared DCF ADVISOR REPORT (Kristi Putnam) • Also voiced support for David’s comments regarding summer tour/recruitment of teen homes. Expressed DCF’s excitement for the potential of this new venture CHILDREN’S WEEK (Lillie Blackshear) • Meet at the Capitol for set up at 7 am, breakfast served at 8:30, lunch served at 1230 • NexGen Band plays at 10 • Keith has items for the FSFAPA table • General membership meeting will be immediately following the luncheon in the same area • There is no rain plan • There are several families with appointments with legislators, they have been provided talking points • Harriet provided additional instructions for the morning LEGISLATIVE UPDATE (Thomas Croom) • Provided update on specific bills on the calendar. Recommended voicing support HB 7013 which is expected to pass in the Senate on Tuesday afternoon NEW BUSINESS ADOPTION INTERVENTION BILL (Thomas Croom) • Discussion was previously generated via email about judges allowing a long running dependency case to move to a private adoption (moving a child from a long term foster placement and prospective adoptive parents to a family selected by the adoption agency). Board members voiced near unanimous support of moving to update current legislation to prevent further trauma to children in care, and eliminate “baby brokering” • There was a bill written by GAL and CLS, but it did not have a sponsor this legislative session • Thomas summarized the FSFAPA calendar of events and legislative calendar of events; recommended that we have a bill that is supported NLT that Dec 2015—PRIOR to 2016 session beginning • FSFAPA’s task is to begin NOW to collect stories from families, speak to local FAPA groups. Our focus this summer should be about collecting data and needs to be our primary focus. Thomas and Charles are working on a survey connected to our website. • Thomas recommended we tread quietly—if attorneys that currently profit from legislation as its written become aware of our efforts, this could be shut down before we get to session. • Thomas fielded questions about the internet survey and data collection—verified we’re seeking qualitative data and information regarding the processes involved. Specific names of families/children are not necessary • There was general discussion about which regions in the state are seeing this trend MISCELLANEOUS: • General discussion about

2015-02-14 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting Feb. 14, 2015 – Amelia Island Masonic Lodge 1101 S. 14th St Fernandina Beach Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 3:45 p.m. after the closing of the quarterly mini conference. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP – by phone), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Charles Parker (Secretary), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator, Kinship), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Harry Dubia (Membership), Trish Allen (Adoptions) and Laurally Segur (CBC Advisor), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager) and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Not in attendance: (All previously Excused) Carrie Toy and Kristi Putnam (DCF Advisors), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), and Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP). After attendance, the minutes from the January Conference Call were accepted with changes (provided via email after submission to board) Motion made by Orlando, seconded by Amanda with no opposition. Harriet opened the business portion of the meeting encouraging board members to review the documents they are sent. There were several corrections presented to the board directory (Charlie noted and will get changes to Trudy for an update.) MINI CONFERENCE – The wrap up to the mini conference was generally positive, wit the only suggestion from the board members was allowing more time for duffels distribution (and to deal with issues – being the last item of the day issues had to be dealt with immediately) Orlando shared that there will be a wrap up teleconference with FSS and will share any comments from that in future meetings. President’s Report – Harriet reported that while in Tallahassee for the Rally in Tally last week, she and Trudy met with Secretary Carroll and many other key contacts with DCF. She shared that she and Secretary Carroll had a constructive conversation on targeted recruitment for homes for teenagers (Laurallyn confirmed that DCF this week set up a meeting in March with the CBCs on this topic.) Harriet also added that she met with Minnie Jenkins with DCF on adoptions and plans to have her attend the Annual Conference and present or train at that event. OLD BUSINESS DUFFELS – LaShaun informed the board they distributed 69 duffels at the mini conference, and that there will be a few boxes distributed to board members (with paperwork) for further distribution. Reported that the distribution – while hurried – went well. EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Lynda shared that she was working with the Hilton on space and menus. Has set aside space for the photo booth again. SuperSitters proposal for childcare was received this week and that Colleen was working on getting speakers and trainings lined up. One change for this year – because of the Father’s Day holiday on Sunday we are planning to start the Sunday sessions earlier and have a commencement breakfast and ceremony rather than lunch to allow the families to have the day together. Orlando suggested we attempt to work out late checkout with the Hilton to facilitate things in the event the breakfast runs longer than expected. Harriet pointed out that this year we plan to give the teens, tweens and kids in childcare 2 t-shirts and they are required to wear them in care – so that we can better identify the kids in our program. She also mentioned that there had been a problem in the past with parents not responding to calls and texts from childcare, and informed the board that they plan to tell parents who do not respond that they have lost the privilege of childcare at the remainder of the conference. (This is for egregious cases, not delayed because they were presenting – hours of delay after multiple attempts to contact.) There were no objections to this procedure being used. RALLY IN TALLY – Trudy reported that the event was very positive. There were many families and teens at the event and they were broken into 6 groups that were guided to various legislators and gatherings in the capitol. There was a legislative process training the day before that was helpful. It was characterized as “more welcoming” than Chidren’s Week and less stressful as there was not a specific “ask” but more general conversations of situations and needs. Amanda added that there were many teens there that shared their comments on the IL bills and the services IL kids (especially those with disabilities) need. CHILDRENS WEEK – Wendy and Lillie reported that Children’s Week will be handled a little differently this year; rather than legislators reading with the children there will be an interactive storybook village that they will act out stories with the younger children. Lillie plans to reach out to the other RVPS about legislators in their areas and their involvement. RVP News – Charlie reported that he had shared the names of two possible Suncoast RVP candidates with Chris and Harriett to consider. Dave Thomas Grant Ideas – Maria asked the board members to consider ideas/programs that they would like to see the association pursue through grants. The finance committee will consider all proposals and winnow them down and present the top options back to the board at a future meeting. Charlie shared two ideas that came from the Executive Committee Meeting the night before: One was developing a strategy to grow our annual conference through better engagement of adoptive parents (partnering with CBCs and DCF to identify; bringing more post adoptive service information and vendors to the event etc.); and another suggestion was to develop a post-adoptive services support line similar to the FAST line (that would also require the development of a list of available resources, partners and vendors.) NEW BUSINESS CONFERENCE AND SUMMIT STRATEGY – Harriet announced that starting after Children’s week this year, that event will no longer be a quarterly meeting for FSFAPA. The four quarterly meetings in FY2015-16 will be The Summit (Aug); the Fall Mini Conference; Winter Mini Conference and

2015_02_14 General Membership Mtg

DRAFT MINUTES TO BE APPROVED AT SPRING QUARTERLY MEETING General Membership Quarterly Meeting Feb 14, 2015, 11:10 AM Atlantic Center, Fernandina Beach (Joint Quarterly Mini Conference with FSS Quarterly Training) Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started immediately after the Nex Gen Band performed to welcome everyone to the Quarterly Mini Conference with the following board members present: Harriett Wynn (President), Charles Parker (Secretary), Chris Johnson (Executive VP), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager). Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Melanie Stimmell (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Harry Dubia (Membership), LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), Laurallyn Segur (CBC Advisor), Amanda Williams (NexGen Teens). Not in attendance (all previously excused) Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor) and Carrie Toy and Kristi Putnam(DCF Advisors). The meeting was attended by approximately 170 attendees. Harriet welcomed everyone and thanked the band for their performance. She then asked the board members in attendance to come to the front and introduce themselves. Next the minutes for the previous Quarterly Meeting (October 2014) were approved by a motion from the floor by Tom DePolo and seconded by Lori Dubia. Motion passed without opposition or further discussion Harriet shared with the group information about the upcoming Childrens Week in Tallahassee, and that the state association was participating (April 12-17). Lynda then shared information about the upcoming annual training conference in June. June 19-21; Orlando Hilton. Flyers were available at the FSFAPA table and more updates will come via the FloridaFAPA.org website, email and Facebook posts. DUFFELS: Harriet outlined the Duffels program and how it is funded, and explained why the distribution is specific to children in Foster Care (not adopted, kinship, relative care, or biological). Shared that there is a fundraising walk set for May 16 in Port Orange and donations can be made via the FloridaFAPA.org website for those that cannot make the walk. Duffles distribution was scheduled to happen at the end of the FSS training portion of the day’s meeting. ADOPTIONS: Trish shared that she has attended several conferences and is setting up a wish list of speakers and trainings for the conference. She also solicited feedback from the attendees as to the types of post-adoption services they need. MEMBERSHIP: Harry outlined membership benefits for paid members and asked attendees to consider joining the association. Harriet shared that those attending from outside the county could pick up training certificates to take back to their CBCs at the FSFAPA table. Motion to adjourn the quarterly meeting was made by Mike Price at 11:35 and seconded by Phyllis Durham. There was no opposition, so the Quarterly meeting closed and the FSS training agenda commenced.

2014_10_04 General Membership Mtg

General Membership Quarterly Meeting Oct. 4, 2014 – 3:20 p.m. Hodges University – Ft. Myers Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started as the final agenda item on the Quarterly Mini Conference with Trudy Petkovich (President), Harriett Wynn (Exec VP, President-elect), Maria Bond (Treasurer) and Charles Parker (Secretary), Chris Johnson (RVP), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager). Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Harry Dubia (Membership), LaShaun Wallace (Duffels), David Brown (CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor) and Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor). Not in attendance Amanda Williams (NexGen Teens) was with Nex Gen Teens at hotel, Director of Programs and Nominations Chair Orlando Avila was excused for family reasons. The meeting was attended by approximately 158 mini conference attendees. (The mini conference served more than 400 people when Teens and Child Care are counted.) The minutes for the previous Qaurterly Meeting were not filed by previous secretary who later resigned for health and family reasons. Trudy started off the meeting with the introduction of Board (listed above.) Trudy then introduced the updated FSFSAPA website (FloridaFAPA.org). EVENTS: Trudy outlined the upcoming FSFAPA Events: Rally In Tally Child Welfare awareness events at the Florida Legislature – Feb. 3-4 2015 Winter Quarterly meeting Feb. 14, 2015 in Fernandina Beach Awareness Day/Children’s Week (Legislative session, Tallahassee – April 12-17, 2015) FSFAPA Annual Education Conferences (2015 conference, June 19-21, Orlando Hilton)   DUFFELS: Trudy outlined the Duffels program and how it is funded, and explained why the distribution is specific to children in Foster Care (not adopted, kinship, relative care, or biological). MEMBERSHIP: Trudy outlined membership benefits and explained that anyone signing up today would get the remainder of 2014 and all of 2015 calendar year. Membership information page was displayed on the screen while she discussed this. NEX GEN BAND: A brief history of the NexGen Band was given, having started as a result of an idea that grew out of a teen talent show at the end of the 2013 FSFAPA Annual Education Conference at the Orlando Hilton. The band has now performed at the 2015 Children’s Week at the Florida Capital, 2015 National Foster Parent Association Conference, the DCF Summit and will perform at the upcoming National Faith Symposium. The group is not only developing the first group, but also a second generation of the group for longevity. FAST: Coleen gave an overview of the FAST program and updates. ELECTIONS: Per the association Bylaws, October is the month for the elections, however Charlie (standing in for Nominations Chair Orlando Avila) updated the membership that the nominations closed at the June Membership Meeting with all positions up for election facing no opposition. As such the slate below will assumes (or continues) their positions on January 1, 2015 through ascension/acclamation – negating the need for contested elections at this meeting. Harriet assumes the presidency Maria continues as treasurer Lillie, Kara and Dorothy continue in their respective RVP roles The 50/50 was won by Ronnie Kiser of Ft. Myers for $234 (the other 50% was split by SWFL-FAPA and FSFAPA.) At 3:49 the motion was made to adjourn (Motion my Lori Dubia, seconded by many; no opposition.)  

2015-01-26 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting Dec. 29, 2014 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Harriett Wynn (President), Chris Johnson (Exec VP), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Charles Parker (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator, Kinship), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Harry Dubia (Membership), and Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor), David Brown (past CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor), Laurally Segur (CBC Advisor) and Trudy Petkovich (Executive Director). Not in attendance: Trish Allen (Adoptions), Melanie Stimmel (RVP – Central). Victoria Herrin (Band Manager) was previously excused. After attendance, the minutes from the November meeting were accepted with changes (provided via email after submission to board) Motion made by Lillie, seconded by Amanda with no opposition. Harriet opened the business portion of the meeting with a thank you and wished everyone a happy new year. Harriet also announced changes to the Executive Board, with Chris moving to EVP and Trudy (past president) moving into the newly created Executive Director post. She also outlined that one of her goals this year is to increase the accountability of the association and all the positions on the board as we become a more “professional” entity. MINI CONFERENCE – Orlando started updates; saying that most of the logistics are firmed up, and that the fine tuning is all that is really left. They are looking for some additional local volunteers. Trudy added that she expects an agenda to be ready shortly, and will make sure Orlando is included on future conference calls. The board will meet at the end of the conference rather than that evening due to the Valentines Day holiday. DUFFELS – LaShaun informed the board that the walk plans are moving forward and that she had traveled to Port Orange to meet with town officials and view the site. Some sponsors are on board (Lego Land, Bright House) and the local CBC president has promised “support” but that has not been defined. She reminded the board that we can sign up “virtual walkers” as well. On the duffels distribution end, LaShaun and Keith will be at the mini conference, after which LaShaun will be working on catching up on some historic orders that were not filled. EDUCATION CONFERENCE – Lynda shared that she had visited the facility in December, and was assured that the vast majority of our class space will be on the first floor, so moving up and down stairs will be limited to the main events in the ball room on the higher floor. She reported that she had heard back from most board members as to their responsibilities. She has also been in touch with Super Sitters and they want to provide child care for us again this year, and they are working on the room situation together. She also asked Maria to look into procuring 4 walkie talkies to facilitate support the day of the events. Coleen will facilitate the slide show for the ballroom events. CHILDRENS WEEK – Trudy is still looking into hotels for this event. Wendy is working with David on the legislative approach, hopes to be able to get with him for additional guidance/planning this week. RALLY IN TALLY – at this point we have a contingent of 6 going to this event. NEW CBC ADVISOR – Harriet announced that Laurallyn Segur (Eckerd, C6) has accepted the FSFAPA CBC advisor role that David Brown had held prior to his accepting a postion with QPI. RVP REPORT – Chris put out a call for suggestions for possible candidates for Suncoast and North Central regions. Some candidates have been explored, but no progress has been made. Suncoast is a particular concern because Lillie and Kara are currently covering the North Central area. Chris also reminded the RVPs about their monthly call Thursday at 8:30. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – Trudy shared that she is excited to assume the new role moving forward. No official report, but she will interject as necessary. DCF ADVISOR – Carrie announced that there have been some moves to reorganize the office of child welfare and she is focusing more on “well-being” in her new role, Kristi Putnam will be sharing the DCF Advisor moving forward – Kristi will be focusing more on foster care issues with the OCW. QPI ADVISOR – Gay did not attend the QPI conference in San Diego but reported that she had heard very good things. Harriet and Coleen (who did attend) both reported that it was a great conference, and that Florida was very often cited as the “good example” in discussions. FINANCE COMMITTEE – Maria reported that the finance committee had their first meeting and will be meeting monthly. They also have developed policy for reporting and tying the numbers to grants, fundraising and needs. APPOINTMENT – Trudy congratulated Harriet on her appointment by Governor Scott to the Independent Living Service Advisory Council. MEMBERSHIP – Harry shared that there have been several new memberships received in the new year, but only has renewals for 4 board members. He’ll track the rest of the board down at the conference. At 9:17 the motion was made by Chris to close the meeting, Wendy seconded the motion, there was no opposition

2014-12-29 BOD Minutes

FSFAPA Board Meeting Dec. 29, 2014 – 8:30 p.m. Conference Call Submitted for approval by FSFAPA Secretary Charles Parker. Meeting started by Trudy at 8:30 p.m. Following were in attendance: Trudy Petkovich (President), Harriett Wynn (Exec VP, President-elect), Orlando Avila (Director of Programs), Maria Bond (Treasurer), Charles Parker (Secretary), Kara Elliot-Jordan (RVP), Lillie Blackshear (RVP), Dorothy Alvarez (RVP), Trish Allen (Adoptions), Lynda Thompson (Parliamentarian/Bylaws/Conference Chair), Coleen LaCosta (FAST Coordinator), Victoria Herrin (Band Manager), Amanda Williams (Nex Gen/IL), Chris Johnson (RVP), Keith Best (RVP), Wendy Vernon (Advocacy), Harry Dubia (Membership), and Carrie Toy (DCF Advisor). Also in attendance was Melanie Stimmel, who is interested in joining the board as an RVP after the new year. Not in attendance: David Brown (CBC Advisor), Gay Frizzell (QPI Advisor) After attendance the minutes from the November meeting were accepted with changes (provided via email after submission to board) Motion made by Harriet, seconded by Lynda with no opposition. Maria presented the 2015 budget for approval, explaining the document emailed to board members showed the 2014 actual vs. 2015 projected expenses. Maria explained that the executive board had also created a finance committee (with herself, Harriet and Chris) that will monitor the budget (income and expenses) throughout the year and make updates as needed and present them to the board. While there is more than $100,000 in reserve, the goal is to balance the annual budget, and as such there may be adjustments in the number of representatives that are sent to certain events (i.e. the entire board may not go to the DCF Summit or other conferences based on costs, distance etc.) The finance committee will make many of those decisions based on the “real time” budget analysis, which will reflect income from fundraising and grants (which we hope to increase in the coming year.) The floor was opened to questions on the budget: – Lynda asked if the $66k on the conference line was her budget; Maria explained it was based on two previous FSFAPA conferences and an expected increase in expenses such as child care. She does not have donations accounted for in this number, so hopefully the final number will be lower, but that is the number by which it should be able to be done (depending on attendance and food costs). – Colleen asked Who is raising funds and writing grants. Short answer is “no one yet” but that is a goal set forth by the e-board to develop additional income sources. – Lynda asked if we actually saw the Duffels Grant. Maria responded that she had not, but because that money has been consistent the last 2 years that is the only fundraising represented in this budget (the Duffels expenses virtually match it, so it is nearly a net zero.) – Colleen asked about the band expenses and if they will see an income. The plan is not that they will generate direct income, but because the vote was made to make them a “program” it is funded similarly to other FSFAPA programs in this budget to ensure that as many hard costs to volunteers are covered as is possible. Trudy asked if anyone on the board was interested in helping guide fundraising or grant-writing, to contact her. The budget was approved as proposed (motion by Orlando, second by Harriet) with no opposition. Carrie informed the Board that DCF is teaming up with Carole Schauffer to produce a webinar for early in 2015 (early February) as a “refresh” on the normalcy law updates. There have been enough questions from CMs et al that DCF has identified this as a training need. Trudy asked who on the board was planning to attend the QPI National Conference in San Diego Jan 20-22: at this time it appears Harriet, Colleen and Amanda are the only board members attending. Carrie did say that it appears that 14 CBCs are sending foster parents. Trudy took a few moments to commemorate her last board meeting as president and thank the board members for their work, pointing out that FSFAPA is setting the standard for other FAPAs and is arguably doing it better than anyone else because of the efforts of the board and our volunteers. She thanked the board and pointed out that she was “counting down the hours” to Harriet ascending to the President role. Call was adjourned at 8:52 p.m. by motion by Orlando, seconded by Charlie. No opposition.